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I woke up before everyone else so I decided to get some donuts. I stole the jam filled one and left a note on top of the box before heading to the Candy store to buy some cherry lollies.
The note
Enjoy the donuts, I'll be back in a little bit but I'm going to talk to Owen before we head over to Monaco.~Parker

The walk to the candy store wasn't far maybe a 5 minute walk at most. It was good to get out of the hotels and paddocks to just walk around the city.

"Hello sweetie how is your day" an elderly woman asked from behind the counter.

"I'm good miss how about you" she smiled "same as you" I continue to search for the cherry lollies until I gave up and asked the lady.

"Miss do you happen to have some cherry lollies I couldn't find any" she nodded and lead me to the back that was labeled for employees only.

" my granddaughter hasn't gotten in to unload the shipment yet I'm sorry for the troubles" I grabbed a box of 10 cherry lollies from her before speaking "oh no need to apologize I'm just glad you had some" I payed her the £3.

It was only 9 so I new Owen wasn't wake yet and our family life 360 Said he was still in his hotel room so I took a bit of a scenic route.
After about 10 minutes of walking this time I reach the hotel.  3 knocks and finally he answers.

"What do you want Parker." I held up the cherry lollie "rule one".

"What about rule 9 and 10" he huffed but let me inside.

"Hey now remember when you broke rule 2. I forgave you when you gave me a cotton candy lollie" he agreed that he was in the wrong but still had one question.

"Why would you hide it from me. I would've atleast not made a seen at dinner". "because why Ollie just told you he liked me you guys basically tried to kill eachother" he pulled me into a hug and spoke on last time before I left.  " I love you Parker. Your like my little sister id be stupid not to now go catch your flight to Monaco".

This was a bit of a shorter chapter but I hope you liked it
Word count-402

Rule 9~Ollie bearmanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora