Chapter 22

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Blair was terrified of the dark, the sun was setting quickly and she moved closer towards Henry. His hand was still holding onto hers in a tight grip. Blair was suspicious about the exact whereabouts of Henry. She already knew he was a hunter, but why would he just appear out of nowhere after the wolf attack? It all seemed so bizarre, however Blair was grateful to be saved from the hungry beast. She decided to not think too much into it and continued looking ahead at the rocky path towards the edge of the woods.

"It'll be night soon, but your grandmother's cottage is almost in plain view." Henry said, breaking the awkward silence. Blair noticed the familiar flower field that laid just below in the surrounding valley. Three large oak trees towered over the woods in the nearby distance. They were only a few miles away from their destination.

"This is the flower field my father and I used to come to." Blair said, gazing at the tulips and roses.

"Why don't we pick some for your grandmother, before it gets too dark." Henry suggested. The same sentence rang through Blair's mind. She remembered when her father said that to her, soon after a great disaster would happen. Harsh memories began flooding in and Blair was taken back to the day her father went missing.

"There we go, a nice bouquet for grandmother." Her father, Thomas said, smiling brightly.

"It's perfect papa, I think grandmother will like it very much indeed!" Blair exclaimed.

"Yes she will, but Blair hunny.....there is something I need to tell you....about your grandmother and I." Thomas said. Blair looked at her father, confusion was spread across her face.

"What is it papa?" She asked. "Did something bad happen to grandmother?"

"No." Thomas answered. "It's about your history darling. I think now is the right time to finally tell you the see I'm not what you think I am...." Thomas said. He stared into Blair's brown eyes, her innocence and purity radiating strongly. Thomas sighed deeply and his eyes became glossy with tears.

"Papa, I don't understand." Blair said. "What do you mean?"

Thomas wiped the tears from his face and turned to look in another direction of the woods. A shadowy figure stood in the distance, its eyes glowing red, a sly smile stitched to its face. Thomas quickly stood up and stared at the familiar creature. He looked back at Blair, producing a weak smile.

"Never mind what I just said hunny." Thomas replied. "I believe it's too late to reveal the truth now." He continued, tears escaping from his orbs once more. Blair was silently sobbing too. Thomas held out the bouquet to her and kissed her gently on the forehead.

"I have to go now dear." Her father said. "It'll be for the best if I just stay away from now on."

"But why?" Blair said.

"One day I hope you do forgive me." Was all her father said before running away into the forest.

"Papa!" Blair screamed. "Papa!"

"Well, should we pick some then?" Henry asked again. "Are you alright child?"

Blair shook her head, the memories fading away quickly. "Yes I'm alright. Let's just continue on the path." She responded. Henry nodded and both of them passed by the rest of the flower field, making their way into the deep valley below.


Henry and Blair had finally arrived at the river bank, Minnie's cottage was just across the rushing water. A wobbly wooden bridge laid over the stream further down the path. Henry knelt down in front of Blair, gesturing for her to hop on his back. She straddled herself onto Henry and he made his way across the bridge. The cottage was well lit and the chimney was puffing with smoke. The door was opened slightly, a wafting smell of fresh baked cookies came from the house. Blair mounted off Henry's back and found her footing to the ground again. She looked at the kind huntsman. Maybe he wasn't a threat after all.

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