Chapter 3: Unmasked

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Third Person POV

Lan Wangji stood at the entrance of Cloud Recesses, gratitude filling his heart for the enigmatic ally who had come to his aid.

The name Weiying lingered on his lips, a reminder of the invaluable support he had been blessed with.

Yet, there was a sense of familiarity surrounding Weiying that had Wangji questioning his origin.

As he stood there, his mind began to wander, retracing his memories of encounters in different parts of the cultivation world.

Suddenly, a flash of recognition hit him like a bolt of lightning.

The realization dawned on him that the mysterious lad he had met in Yingqing a week ago, amidst the mountainous landscapes, bore a striking resemblance to Weiying.

The familiar voice, the captivating presence—it all fell into place.

In that moment, Lan Wangji's curiosity was ignited.

He hadn't expected to cross paths with the enigmatic Weiying so soon or to unravel the connection between them.

The mysterious encounters in Yingqing held a deeper significance now that he knew the lad's name.

With a mix of intrigue and anticipation, Wangji couldn't help but wonder what their future encounters would reveal.

The beautiful and gorgeous lad he had met evoked a sense of familiarity that left him captivated.

As he stood there at the entrance of Cloud Recesses, Wangji's mind raced with thoughts of the masked ally turned Weiying.

The path of their intertwined destinies remained uncertain, but one thing was for certain—fate had woven their lives together, and the most intriguing chapters were yet to come.

Lan XiChen stood on the majestic staircase, his eyes fixed upon his brother Lan Wangji.

A serene smile slowly curved his lips, reflecting the deep contentment that welled within his heart.

Moments ago, a surge of nervousness had gripped Lan XiChen's mind, clouding it with uncertainty.

Doubts plagued his thoughts, questioning whether Wei Wuxian would uphold his commitment to help Lan Wangji.

What if he were to back out? Would Wangji, his younger brother known for his stoic and icy demeanor, once again be consumed by a whirlwind of emotions?

Yet, as XiChen's apprehensions loomed, a glimmer of hope pierced through the fog of uncertainty.

With Wuxian's arrival by Wangji's side, a renewed sense of faith enveloped XiChen's being.

Doubts were swiftly superseded by a profound realization—he should never have questioned the steadfastness of Wuxian's promises.

A soft chuckle escaped XiChen's lips as he approached his brother, a playful spark glowing in his eyes.

"Seems like the Yiling Patriarch has taken quite a liking to you, Wangji," he quipped, teasing his brother gently in an attempt to extract a reaction.

Wangji's eyes met XiChen's, his voice composed and unfaltering. "Xiongzhang..."

Unable to contain his insight any longer, XiChen boldly interjected, "I can see it in your eyes, Wangji. Wei Wuxian is slowly but surely filling that once-empty space in your heart."

A knowing smile danced upon his lips, for he alone had the ability to penetrate the facade of Wangji's seemingly emotionless countenance.

It was this profound understanding that assured XiChen of the undeniable connection between Wangji and Wuxian.

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