The Final Battle

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As I held my brother's body I was overcome with anger and rage, I walked to one of the legion knights to take his shield but his post mortem grip was tight so I was forced to cut his arm off.

"first you brainwashed him!" Whilst I screamed at The Warmonger I swung my sword but it was deflected and in retaliation she swang her's but I was able to block it.

"Your brother was weak, you're weak" The smug expression on her face will forever stick with me and she knew how to anger me so I'd charge her with the shield but she didn't expect it so I was able to knock her back but she was able to disarm me of the shield leaving me exposed for a few seconds and she lands a sword swipe only breaking into my armour.

We both attacked at the same time clashing swords both our faces almost touching each others. She pushed my sword away and ran her gauntlet through where I had been stabbed causing it to puncture first but as she did I had enough energy to stab her with a dagger.

We both stood there in shock and pain knowing neither of us was going to survive. I twisted the dagger causing her to pull her gauntlet out and fall back bleeding to death, I fall to my knees weak and unable to stop the bleeding I watch the sun rise with a smile knowing the Blackstone is safe in the hands of the resistance. My vision fades and I succumb to my injuries

-Months later-

Months had passed since the legion became apart of the rebellion and have begun undoing all the wrongs The Warmonger had done but her grip was all over Europe. They was far from over

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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