Fighting Between Life And Death

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In a room full of people, Ritik was sitting with a cold face. They were having an important meeting. Suddenly he got a call from Ridhi. He picked up the call but after hearing what the other person was saying, he was shocked. Every person in the meeting room was looking at him.

Suddenly Ritik got up from his seat and left the meeting room. Yash ( Rishi's father) went after his son. Ritik got into the lift along with his father. Yash was furious, he asked Ritik,

" Why did you leave the meeting like this? You know that this meeting was very important for us."

Ritik was just breathing heavily. He couldn't say anything. Seeing him like this Yash got worried.

"Ritik is everything ok son? Why are you acting like this? "

" Da.. Dad Ri… Ridhi got into an accident." Ritim said while shuttering. Yash was shocked after hearing this.

"What!!!. How, Where???"

"I don't know how it happened, dad. Someone just called me from her phone and told me that she is admitted in a hospital." Ritik was shaking badly. Yash tried to calm him down but he couldn't. Yash was also feeling devastated after hearing that his beloved daughter met with an accident.

They get inside the car. Ritik was driving very rushly.

"Dad please inform others and tell them to come to the hospital." Yash called Divya and told her everything. Divya started to cry after hearing about her daughter. She along with Kirti left for the hospital. Yash called Ashi but she wasn't picking up the calls.

"Ashi isn't picking up the calls. "

Ritik furrowed and said, "Ridhi left the house with Ashi so she is supposed to be in the hospital."

Yash panicked and said, " Did she also meet with an accident? "

"I don't think so. That guy only said that Ridhi got into an accident. There was no other person at the accident site." Ritik said all these why being confused.

"If Ridhi left with Ashi then why isn't Ashi with her??" Ritik thought this in his mind. Rishi again called Ashi but she wasn't picking up his calls. Ritik was now feeling mad at Ashi. He thought to deal with Ashi later.

After a few minutes, they reached the hospital. They quickly went towards the reception. Ritik asked the receptionist,

"Where is the patient who met with an accident?"

"Sir, she is in the Operation theater right now. She was badly injured."

Ritik was getting anxious, "Tell me where is the Operation theater?"

The receptionist told them the way. They both were waiting outside the Operation theater impatiently. Yash sit on a chair with a thud and said while crying,

" I couldn't protect my princess. I have failed as a father. I.. I couldn't save her. "

Ritik held his father's hand and tried to console him, "Don't say like that dad. You are the world's best father."

Yash cut him off, "No, no I'm not the best. If I were the best father then my daughter wouldn't have been inside the operation theater fighting for her life."

Ritik said while trying to control himself from breaking down, "We will save her dad, please don't lose hope."

Suddenly Divya and Kirti arrived along with Ahil when Ritik was consoling his father. Divya went towards Yash and asked while crying,

"Where is my daughter huh? Where is she? I want to meet her. Please take me to her."

" Mom, please get a hold of yourself. Ridhi is inside the Operation theater. We will get to know about her condition in a few minutes."

Divya was crying hysterically. Ritik was trying to calm her down. Yash held Divya's hand and said, "Please don't cry. I won't let anything happen to our daughter hmm? ''Divya wasn't ready to listen, she kept crying. Yash was trying to calm her down.

Ritik was seeing all this and trying hard to not to cry. He didn't want to break down in front of everyone . He was trying to stay strong so that he could handle the whole situation. He went to the restroom and cried his heart out. After calming down a little bit he went outside and joined the others.

Ritik saw Ahil sitting while holding his head. He went towards Ahil and called him. Ahil looked up and instantly hugged Ritik after seeing him. Ritik was surprised with Ahil's act but didn't say anything and hugged him back.

After a while Ahil backed off from the hug and said sorry. Ritik just nodded. After a few moment of silence Ritik asked Ahil,

"Where is Ashi? She was supposed to go with Ridhi. Now she is not here and also not picking up her calls."

Ahil shrugged and said, " I don't know. I tried to call her but she isn't picking up my calls. "

Ritik asked Ahil, "Did you know where they both were going?"

Ahil just shook his head, "No. I asked Ashi but she didn't say anything. I also asked Ridhi but she said that they were going for a girls' day out."

Ritik was getting angry with each passing minute. He couldn't believe that Ashi could be this irresponsible. She was supposed to take care of Ridhi but here she disappeared while his sister is fighting for her life.

Ritik growled and told Ahil, "Call her and tell her to come right now."

Ahil again called her but she didn't pick up. He sighed and said, "I tried calling her but she isn't picking up her call."

Ritik was about to say something but at that time the doctor came out of the operation theater. All of them went towards the doctor.

"Doctor, how is my sister?" Ritik asked while being impatient.


They all were shocked after hearing what the doctor said. They couldn't believe what they listened to. Ahil and Ritik were the most shocked people.

" You knew about all these, didn't you? "

"Please Ritik listen to me, you are misunderstanding the whole thing."

"Oh really now you want me to believe a LIAR?"

Sorry everyone for updating after so long.. From now on I will try to be regular..

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