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I was lying in a creek wearing a jumpsuit and holding a yellow flower when I heard the sound of a vulture screaming in the sky. I open my eyes  to a figure riding a white horse in a red rob and black veil. The figure started to ride in closer to me. The figure was a bishop from Dema, The High Towers. The bishop got off his horse and walked towards me and painted pain and darkness into my head and around my neck. I started to follow him till I looked up to find the vultures as humans throwing yellow flower peddles off the high cliff, I realized that I should not follow this bishop. I stopped and started running away from the figure as fast as I could. The figure chased me, and I started losing consciousness from the pain and collapsed. What felt like hours of pain, I woke up in a random room of darkness. I looked out the window, and I saw The High Towers. I heard the bishops talking amongst themselves. They were talking about this device that I weild. I didn't understand, so I listened to them further. I started feeling a connection to something in this very building. A strong connection. It felt like I was weilding a pshchokinetic weapon.

The High TowersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin