Warnings and Stuff

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Beware of what you're reading. I'm so serious.

Hi, loves! It's your favorite person.

Remember in the Chatfic when Elmer mentions that he wrote a story about him and Albert being criminals, like Bonnie and Clyde? That wasn't something I just made up. It was a clue.

I'm just here to tell you this story is graphic. It's based on Bonnie and Clyde, Veronica and JD, and a PrapaiSky fic I read once. I really love the idea, especially with Elmer and Albert.

Going into detail on each inspo, I'll say that Bonnie and Clyde/Veronica and JD are carrying the most inspiration here: B & C carrying the factor of committing crimes simply because they felt they needed to, but JD and V carry it because of Elmer being affected by their victims. But that also goes into the PrapaiSky fic I read once. I don't remember the author, but it was on AO3, so if anyone finds them, please let me know. Also, Elmer's early life is a bit inspired by Sky's life, only with Elmer dating Irving, so I give credit to MAME.

I'm planning to make this book as descriptive as I can, which means a lot of description with the warnings mentioned below.

So, warnings:

-Mentions/Implications of sex
-Police/Police Questioning
-Mentions of various types of assault (physical abuse, sexual assault)
-(Character) Deaths
-Gun use

Things like that.

I know this is very different from what I usually write, but I feel like I kind of needed to steer away from...wholesome. I write a lot of stories with two characters who grow into their love, but here it's kind of already established. Because of that, there's more that needed to be added to why their love for each other was so deep. But now, it's time for the specifics.

This is your own personal warning. Don't read this if you know you won't be able to handle it. I won't be upset at all. I won't be adding warnings at the beginning of chapters because I did it before the book started, and I feel that's warning you. If you skip this part, it's not my fault.

Don't read if you're under 15 years old. I already said that at the beginning of this warning page. This is honestly one of the most mature stories I've ever written, seriously. This is more than me having Jack Kelly say fuck every few minutes, this is an entire Criminal Minds/Supernatural crossover episode. It's bloody, murderous, and various other subjects that no one under 15 should be reading, and that's me being lenient. Similarly, don't read it if you don't like it. It's not meant to be a regular romance novel, it's meant to be insane. No one is getting healed, no one is getting saved. They are trauma bonding, and this is written to show how scary that can be.

If you really need warnings, let me know. This story is going to be intense—full stop. I'm talking murders, foul language, yelling, and police. I didn't hold back with this, and I understand the themes could affect you. I haven't done it in a while, but I will put warnings at the beginning of each chapter. If you need more, let me know and I'll add it to the list.

Nothing in this fic should be copied. Nothing I write here is condoned by me or anyone I know. It's partly written to understand how a serial killer's mind may work. I know that seems weird—why would I want to know that?—but I like thinking about how brains work. Anyway, do not romanticize this, I repeat, DO NOT ROMANTICIZE THIS. This is not meant to be taken in a romantic sense. The only person to be romanticizing anything is Elmer, and that's it. If you wish to write something similar to this, don't romanticize it, don't write a savior—have the character save themself. That's the problem with Elmer.

Also, I would like to say, I'm not a psychopath. As I'm writing this, I'm equally sick to my stomach. I'm writing this because it's a different concept with a character no one would suspect for my fandom. I've never committed a felony, murder or otherwise, so this is heavily based on media such as TV shows and the serial killer book I own. Again, I'm not a psychopath or a sociopath, and none of these are based on my own thoughts and feelings. All of this is based on media. All content mentioned after this message is completely fictional.

I hope you enjoy this story and if you find anything in need of a warning, we can talk about it and I'll add it to the list. Thanks for reading!!

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