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As soon as the red flag was hissed from the dirty blonde haired girl, loud screams and cheering was heard around him.

The black haired moved is foot, pressing on the gas betal. The people which where cheering around him where suddenly mumbled and the only thing he could hear was the brash motor of his brand new Mercedes.

No thought surrounding him other than winning the race. The racer speed up leaving his opponent behind him.
Loud Cheering around him the moment he crossed the winning line.

"And once again jungkook! Is our winner!" The same dirty blonde girl took the racers arm holding it into the air for everyone to see.

Once again loud cheering and was heard. And jungkooks friends made their way running to him.

"Easy win man wasn't it?" Namjoon, one of his closest friends asked jokingly.
"I would've won that race blindfolded man" jungkook answered loughing.
"Wow wow wow, let's celebrate! I mean we won that beautiful car of our opponent!" Hoesok, another of jungkooks friends said while running his fingers gently on the red lack.

"Mh sorry man, I promised taehyung we'll watch a movie tonight."
"Is he your boyfriend or something?Its always because if him that you can't come." Hoesok asked with an curious look.
Finally somoene asked the question everyone wanted to know. It wasnt the first time that jungkook left earlier because of his "best friend "
Jungkook chuckled "taehyung? My boyfriend? Nah he already has one" "besides of that he is my best friend"
"Ohh so if he didn't have a boyfriend you would..yk" Namjoon said with an amused look on his face.

"He is my best friend for fucks sake!"
"But huh he's damn pretty. I would take my chance if I where you" Namjoon said poking Jungkooks side.
"Yaa common if you won't come cause of him, just bring him with you. I bet all of us would be more than happy to have him around" hoseok utters in.

"No! First he has a boyfriend. Second it's way to dangerous for him. Third I don't want you, or anyone to talk about him like that, ok!"
Hoesok answered loughing holding his hands into the air "We weren't even saying something bad chill."

"Yea anyway, I gotta go. See ya tomorrow"

Was the last thing the black haired boy said before he got into his car leaving from all the people who want to congratula, him just to see his best friend.

Well best friend whom he had a crush on.

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