16th Qu3st1on

63 6 0

Um Hey me again sorry for bothering a rad girl like you, but.... my 7 year old brother idolizes you and mituna, any helpful advice for gaming and skateboarding?

Latula: 4w th4ts 4dorbz yo
4ny w4y for g4m3z just st1ck to th3 rul3s 4nd do your b3st 4nd don't g3t str3ss3d out 4nd m4d
Th4t just m4k3z th1ngz h3ll4 wors3 yo.
For sk4t3bo4rd1ng,
M4k3 sur3 you h4v3 your g34r on wh3n 1ts your f1rst t1m3.
F1rst m4st3r sk4t3bo4rd1ng th3n pr4ct1c3 on gr1nd1ng 4nd oth3r r4d sk1llz you c4n do w1th your bo4rd.
But 4lw4yz h4v3 your g34r on unl3ss youv3 m4st3rd sk4t3bo4rd1ng 4nd 4ll th3 oth3r r4d sk1llz.
4nd 1f you know on3 g3t 4 pro to t34ch your bro!
1td b3 4 lot 34s13r.

4sk mor3 qu3st1onz !!

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