Chapter 1

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I look out the living room window of the house my parents are looking at, bored. I really don't want to live here, but as I look over, they're already signing the lease papers. I sigh. It's not like my opinion would have wavered them anyway, but I would have liked them to at least ask me before signing it. After all, I'm seventeen now and not exactly a small child anymore.

It's a nice house, two story, with four  bedrooms and two baths. The kitchen is a little cramped, but I'm rarely in the kitchen anyway. It's spacious enough, and the wood floors are wonderful. I still have a bad feeling about it though for some reason. Oh well, too late now. They've finished signing the lease by now, and they're just talking with the owners as they walk outside. I jog to catch up with them before I'm stuck inside this place. Yes, I have a phobia of being trapped. It probably came from an experience in my childhood, though I couldn't tell you what happened or when.

 It probably came from an experience in my childhood, though I couldn't tell you what happened or when

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 I walk outside and gaze down the driveway, until something catches my attention to my right. It's a boy sitting on the front porch of the house next door. I look to see if he's smoking, and see that he isn't. He looks about my age, and very tall. He's wearing a black hoodie with the hood on, so I can't see his face. I don't blame him for it though. It's fall, so it's chilly enough to wear one. His khaki pants are a bit too tight on him. It takes just about all the effort and decency in me not to stare at his muscular legs, which I could see through his pants.  He looks my way, smirking, and I freeze. I mentally facepalm, (somewhat) regretting checking him out. I give him a half smile and look away, heat creeping up into my cheeks.

Fortunately (for him, of course), my parents call my name at that moment, and I walk with them back to the car. I've half a mind to complain about the house, but I think better of it when I see their amused expressions. Oh crap, I must still be blushing from that boy. He WILL pay for that, I'll make sure of it. That is, if I don't embarrass myself further.

"Met someone already, I see?" My mom asks. I remain silent.

"He's cute, at least from what I could see of him."

I groan. "Mom! He looks like an arrogant, self centered jerk, whom I have zero interest in."

She smirks at me. "Okay then. Whatever you say." 

I sigh, rubbing my hands down my face in frustration. She starts laughing, not hiding how pleased she is that she got a reaction out of me. I turn and gaze out of my window, hating the fact that I'm so flustered just from the sight of him.

I pull out my phone, turn on my music, and stare back out the window for the rest of the car ride to the hotel room while listening to my christian favorites playlist.

The next day we rent a trailer and pick up our things from storage. Then we grab lunch at a really cute Cafe, drive everything over to the new house, and start unpacking. Well, the things that don't take two grown men to carry anyway. I head to my room with my decorations and whatnot to start fixing it up.

Hey guys!! I posted this chapter to get feedback and sort of see who is interested in a story like this. Don't mind the cover, I plan to change that later when the whole book is finished. Enjoy! -Fainting Goat 🐐

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