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sydsolace: always and everywhere 🍂

tagged: elenamerie , alabastell


3 months later, June - sydney's POV
(English is not my first language, feel free to correct me at any mistakes!)

Stars. They always fascinated me. I always felt like they saw me, heard me. Ever since I left, I've been feeling empty. I don't know where to go, I don't know in what direction I should move. My friends feel it the same, I think.

 Elena drowns herself in schoolwork, and you can't get even two positive words out of Stella. I sighed, I don't know how much of this can any of us take.

 "What are you reading?" my head snapped back to see a brunette boy looking at me. "I'm sorry, what?" I tried to be as calm as I could since he most likely saw talk to the stars. "I was asking about your book, what are you reading?" he said looking at the book in my lap. "Oh, it's called Fourth Wing, it just came out in like May and got really popular, so I'm seeing if it lives up to the hype." I said. I couldn't make out what his interest in my book meant. I can usually read people pretty easily, but i couldn't read him. "And? Does it?" he asked. I think I failed to hide my suprise because he smiled at me and dropped to the spot next to me. "Well, yeah, it's about this girl, who's assigned to the riders quadrant. It all happens in like a fantasy world" I exlaimed, excited that someone actually asked me about my book! Trust me, it dosen't happen everyday. I sat on the beach with with the boy, chatting and then I realised that I don't know his name. "I'm Sydney, by the way." i shifted so I could look at him. 

"I'm Matt, lisent, I really like our conversation, but it's getting chilly, and I'd like to ask if you had dinner yet?" I shake my head and he continues, "do you like italian?" this time I nod " I know that this really out of the blue, but would you maybe like to get some with me?" he finishes. I stare at him for a minute trying to figure out if he's not a serial killer, then I shrug, because El hadn't touched a pan in God knows how long, so I would most likely eat some takeout anyway. "Sure, but, you're not a serial killer or anything like that, right?" Matt looks at me for a bit and then winks. I stare at him, confused, when he says "oh, I'm not, don't worry" he starts walking toward what looks like his car.

 We get to the restaurant, and I sunddenly feel very under-dressed in my flared leggings and baby tee.

 We get to the restaurant, and I sunddenly feel very under-dressed in my flared leggings and baby tee

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( this is what shes wearing)

"Come on Sydney!" Matt tells me, and I move forward. This is going to be an interesting evening.

I caught up with Matt and we walked to the restaurant. The moment I stepped foot inside, I felt my aw drop.

 The moment I stepped foot inside, I felt my aw drop

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(This is what it looked like kinda)

We sat down, and a waitress came, askng us what we would like to drink.

The whole time I felt like I wasn't even there, all she did was bat her lashes at Matt, and glare at me. I felt a stabbing feeling in my chest.

No, I refuse.

There is no way i had already caught feelings for the guy! I've known him for literally 20 minutes.

I sighed, putting the tought into the never look again folder. Matt and the waitress were still talking, so I took the moment to look around the restaurant. It was beautiful. I felt a pair of eyes on me, and when I looked back, the waitress was already left and Matt's eyes were on me. "Do you know her?" I asked. "Why? Jealous?" Matt taunted with a grin. "No" I said, but my cheeks betrayed me by turning red.

Laughter errupted, and the rest of the dinner passed in a blur of good food and comany.

"Bye!" I shouted as I exited the car and went onto the apartment building. I walked up the stairs to the apartment, to find my two roommates- and best friends- sitting on the couch.

"Where were you? We were worried sick!" Elena got up and started marching towards me. "I was having dinner. With a friend." I fired back at her. I looked behind her back and saw Stella just looking at me. "I'm sorry not everyone wants to live their life tucked away, or corrupted by studies!" I snapped at Elena.

The second the words left my mouth I regreted them. Deeply.

"Look, I'm sorry. You know I didn't mean it like that. It's just that I want to start over. I can't let it control my life." I said softly.

"How do you want to start over?! We are linked to a literal murder case!" Elena's voice started rising. "I'm sorry okay! It's not my fault!" my voice matched Elena's. "Whatever. I'm over this shit." said Elena and then she left. I sighed and plopped onto the couch next to Stella. "She's not a bad person, you know. she just has a hard time dealing with stuff." Stella said softly, the words were almost a whisper. "I know. I just wish I could help her." I said, shaking my head.

"Just let it go and go to sleep." Stella said, and then stood up to probably do the same. I sighed once again, and then I went to sleep.

 I sighed once again, and then I went to sleep

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(their living room)

hi! thank you for reading this part! this was published on the triplets birthday but i'm writing this a day later, anyway happy birthday to the boys! don't forget to vote share and comment!💘

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