Kyle X Inkshard

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[ Today's story was written by ezata420 go give him your life savings] 

After Kyle saw the pipe bomb, he blacked out from shock. After that, he was awoken yet again, this time by a skeleton.

"Who are you?" Asked the skeleton

"Me?" Kyle responded, pointing to himself.

"Yes, who else is lying on the floor?" The skeleton said as he put out a hand for Kyle to grab.

"What's your name?" Kyle asked as he stared at the skeleton who then pointed at himself.

"Yes, who else would I be asking?" Kyle said

"Ah, my name is Ink, and I am the next protector of the multiverse!"

Kyle started to observe the room that he had woken up in. It seemed like a corridor of sorts. There was an LED screen that lined one part of the wall. The screen that Kyle had noticed kept saying Welcome to Hotland.

As they got to the end of the corridor, they entered a path that went right.

"Where are we going?" Asked Kyle

"We are going to Hotland as my father needs to identify you." Ink said as he walked the only path that wasn't backwards.

Hmm, okay," Kyle said as he continued following Ink.

They enter Hotland as Kyle is, unnerved to say the least.

"Is that actual lava?" Kyle asked.

"Oh yes, we use that to power everything here!" Ink exclaimed with a certain sense of excitement.

"Wait, that's your power source!" Kyle exclaimed, confused.

Yes, and we make sure to keep it safe; it can't hurt anyone unless you fall off, then you're fucked! Neither mine nor any of the underground magic is allowed to be used in this area!" Ink said

Well, that's scary, so I just need to not fall, got it, Kyle said, trying to stay in the centre of the lane as best he can.

They reach a white laboratory as ink scans his hand, and the door opens.

"Gaster, I have the subject." Ink said

"Wait subject?!" Kyle exclaimed, confused.

"Don't worry, it's not bad, just what Gaster asks me to refer to people as when they are unknown people." Ink said he was trying to calm down Kyle.

A man in a lab coat was seen walking down the stairs; as he approached, his face got clearer. You could see he had a scar on his left eye that went all the way down to his mouth.

"Hello Gaster, this is the subject you asked me to retrieve." Ink said as Gaster looked at the subject.

"Son, bring the subject. I will take a blood sample, and then we shall walk back to the waterfall to find Undyne." Gaster said as he grabbed the human's wrist.

"Open your hand," Gaster said, as he had a device in his hand.

"Why?" Kyle asked, confused.

"I need a sample of your blood, so don't try and make an excuse." Gaster said, as his eyes seemed to change colour, "Don't try to resist."

Kyle backed away from Gaster as Gaster stared at the human in front of him.

"It will only be a second, and I'm not trying to hurt you," gaster said with a friendly tone.

Kyle opened his hand reluctantly as Gaster pricked his fingertip and teleported the object somewhere else.

"Now follow me, son, and don't forget him." Gaster said he was annoyed.

"Got it, father." Ink said as he grabbed Kyle's hand firmly as they walked out of the laboratory.

"So human, what is your name?" Gaster asked with a friendly tone.

"Im Kyle," he replied.

"Are you by chance familiar with a human by the name of Chara?" Gaster asked

"Chara?" Kyle asked, confused.

Oh, is that so? Hmm, well, your eyes are about the same colour, but nevermind," Gaston said as he was cut off as he was about to fall down the path to the waterfall.

"FATHER!" Ink screamed as he grabbed his father's hand, but he wasn't strong enough.

"I love you," Gaston said, but was once again cut off by something much worse than just falling.

"This can't be real." Ink stuttered as he stared at the large mass of lava that consumed Gaster. Kyle walked up to Ink and hugged him.

"It'll be okay. I'm here for you. Let's go back to the lab and rest," Kyle said, trying to console Ink as best he can.

Ink stood up as he glanced at the lava pool while slowly starting to walk to the lab.

"Thank you, Kyle," Ink said with an almost empty tone. "I don't know if we'll meet again, but if we do, I shall help you with anything." Ink said as a paintbrush appeared

"Why do you have a giant paintbrush?" Kyle asked, confused, as Ink walked back into the waterfall and disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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