• Need Me? •

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| Feeling the need for someone has two different sides. One is Obsession and the other is desires |


"You are seriously not gonna wear that in the club!?"

"I am comfortable with that"

"You are not going for a coffee date Yn! It club. You should wear something sexy, you know!"

"Dude chill down. Tell me, is Marly going to be sexy?"

Yn smirk at Yoongi

"Shut up I didn't mean that.. she is probably wearing something normal..."

"Cheese!okh I understood "


After some time Yn got dressed and came out

After some time Yn got dressed and came out

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"Is that okh?"

Yoongi was busy on his phone. Hearing Yn he looked at her.

She is looking stunning.

"You could have dressed more sexy?why didn't you?"

"I really wanna see, what you girlfriend wears!!"

Yoongi chuckled at her reaction

"Ok okh now let's go"


"Yo buddy"

A hard slap landed in Jimin's back. He groaned in pain


Jimin looked at Taehyung who was smirking. Taehyung sat beside Jimin.

"You are late"

"It's because of Joon hyung. He was scolding me."

"What did you do again?"

"I was late. That's why a big deal stopped. If the deal was final today then our company can start working on it but I was late so the dealership will be again after 3 months because he is going abraod"

"It's not something big.. your company should start preparing already?"

"That's the problem! The amount of money is huge. We have the money but what if he didn't make the deal? Our money will be wasted and it will be a huge loss for us"

"Oh, but didn't Joon hyung notice their behavior? Behavior can tell what they can do!"

"I asked the same but he said the company is good but he needs to be sure. Namjoon hyung was so angry and disappointed at me."

"It's ok Tae, he is just frustrated."

Jimin tried to comfort him as Taehyung was a little bit sad. Taehyung didn't realize Namjoon would be that angry.

Taehyung smiles at Jimin who is saying nonstop things to make the situation light.

"Ok okh I understood Jimin. Now let's have vodka"

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