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Princess Morgan realized she hit rock bottom when even the servants had better powers than her. Her loyal butler Barnaby brought her tea while his spirt dog, Kotetsu brought her breakfast. All Morgan could do was teleport a single object monthly, and the King and Queen chose what it would be for her. Which in fact was why she was eating in the garden, her parents would arrive soon to dictate what use her power would have this month.
        "Darling," the King said as Barnaby pulled out a chair, "How did you sleep?"
       "Fine, father, and you?" Morgan wanted to be in her room solving puzzles not having meaningless conversation with her father. Neither cared how the other slept. She wanted him to cut to the chase.
       He didn't even respond to her as the Queen talked for her husband so his royal vocal cords wouldn't waste their time on such trivial things, "We slept lovely Morgan, thank you for asking. Usually your father and I would be suggesting how best to use you wonderful gift, however something has come up." This perked Morgan's ears up. Their Royal Majesties almost never had anything to say to her, but a rely of duty.
      "It's about your problem Morgan." The Queen continued. Ah, yes Morgan's problem. She was born to be married off to a prince in need of a bride. Morgan was not interested in men. That her parents thought was a problem because he an forbid their daughter like women. They didn't think themselves homophobic, but their child could be gay. In truth they were quite homophobic.
      "Your mother and I only want what is best for you," her father spoke to her. This had to be of importance, fuck, "Witherhold has been made aware of your issue, and has agreed to send over a partner nonetheless! A husband, finally. Fortune has smiled upon us, you will be wed within the month, so prepare for many balls, feasts,-"
        "No," Morgan interrupted her father. If this man thought her could manipulate her into a marriage he had another thing coming. As of yet she hadn't used her power, and clothes didn't teleport with people. It would be a shame if the King appeared indecent in front of his court.
        The King grew in statue as he stood, "I was not asking you a question Morgan. You will not interrupt your King. Clearly if you have so much to say you must be finished eating, so you will have no trouble touring Mitpelton, they have had quite the harvest this year and have earned a reward. You are dismissed." The King then finished eating with the Queen as Barnaby led Morgan away.

So, this was her punishment. Morgan thought as she entered her touring carriage, and after noon of listening to her footman, Ohio Jameson, pander of cities she had never heard of in her geography lessons and wasn't entirely convinced existed. Not only that, but Mitpelton was Morgan's least favorite of the cities of her nation. The locals didn't bath, ogled her, and were terrible at puzzles. At least the other townsfolk tried to solve her riddles. The people of  Mitpelton just stared at her as if she was mad. Good harvest or not, visiting Mitpelton was not on her list of priorities.
       As her corset squeezed her rib cage into her spine Morgan blessed a farmer's cow. Then she discussed the coming winter with the miller. Everyone wanted to talk with her and they had nothing interesting to say. Especially the doctor.
     Dr. Leechcrod was her least favorite person in Mitpelton. Every time she toured the city he would ask for some of her charity budget. The richest man in town didn't need charity, unless of course he needed it for a better hair cut. Today he wanted money for better drilling tools, "Your Grace please listen, the rise of aching heads in town has reached new heights since you last came to our lovely home. The people suffer, and I could end such suffering for mere coin."
        That bushy browed man didn't seem to grasp the concept that headaches were the least of the villagers worries, so Morgan chose to inform him, "If the aching heads plague this city so, why do mothers cry to me of not having a place for their children and themselves to sleep. If new drilling tools would fix all of these peoples problems please tell me how a drill educates the next generation." No one but Morgan noticed Ohio's slight nod. It gave Morgan the confidence to carry on, "Your desire for this money leads me to believe you are the least fortunate of this town, so tell me, where do you live Sir? In a thatch cottage? In the community building? Or in your estate?"
       He couldn't believe a woman would talk to him like this, but the Docter chose his words carefully as to not openly speak ill of royalty, "These are issues of our town Princess, would you solve them with your power? The materials we need to construct more home could be easily teleported here." He meant to catch Morgan off her guard with the question. Surely she had already used her power for the month as today was the day it always happened. Morgan thought that to for a brief moment until she remembered why she was here.
      When she met with her parents they hadn't told her how to use her power this month. It was her choice. She had very few of those these days, and with that choice she was presented to opportunity to make Dr. Leechcord eat his words. She summoned lumber from the royal reserves right next to them in the street. Her father would have a fit, but it served him right. The doctor couldn't get in another word as Morgan turned to leave. "I have loved being her today." She said as she boarded the carriage to make the journey home.
       Her words were partly true. All things considered this trip had given Morgan an idea. Ideas led to plans, and Morgan could be very dangerous with a plan.
       Ohio Jameson gave her a smile on the ride back to the palace. He also silently served her lunch. Barely having breakfast Morgan was quite grateful for the sustenance, but even more grateful for an ally in her mission to get her life back.

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