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Morgan's betrothed was to arrived by the end of the month. All of the preparations left little time for plotting, so Morgan had to multitask. This particular skills of theirs was not great. However, during the most mundane of the preparations Morgan had time to consult Ohio Jameson on how to avoid the fate of marring the Prince of Witherold.
Her hand maidens scurried around fitting dress for the Betrothal Ball. One hemmed the dress's elbow bishop sleeves, while another found out how tight she could cinch the waist.
When Morgan could barely get in another breath of air Ohio arrived. If he had found out any news of the looming wedding he was to come straight to her. Morgan was going to do everything in her power to not be wed by the year. It's not that she didn't want to marry. As a girl she had dreamed of her wedding, but it had always been another she wished to marry.
"A letter has come from Witherhold, your excellency." Morgan internally groaned. Was this Prince trying to woo her with the written word? She knew firsthand that her brother Prince Chadwick had received far less literary education than Morgan and her sister Princess Diego as was customary of royal children. The rule most tutors, at least in her home nation, went by was, "A lady shall learn to write, travel, and keep home with beauty, lords shall learn to speak, fight, and serve his people with eloquence."  What could this prince write to her that Morgan couldn't word vomit onto a page in mere minutes?
        Nevertheless Morgan had to seem interested in front of the other servants to avoid another tour. "Please, would you read the letter to me, Ohio?" Morgan asked.
        Ohio drew a letter opener from his pocket and removed the wax seal bearing Witherhold's crest. The servant who had previously been hemming Morgan's sleeves paused her work. It wasn't everyday palace gossip was laid into her lap. Ohio read clearly, but with a clear disinterest in whatever the prince had to say, Morgan was in complete agreement, "Dearest Princess Morgan of Sterlingdale, I await our coming meeting with greatest joy. After hear tales are your unrivaled intellect and beauty, I am not ashamed to say I packed for myself instead of leaving the task to the help. They have pure intentions to make sure I am properly prepared for voyages, however I pack with greater haste and less regard for perfection. Though we have not yet met, I cannot imagine you as anything but a kind, humble soul. When I wrote to your father, asking for your hand, he told me that you would rather him tell tales of your siblings feat than your own. Still, I count the days until I can take your hands in mine, listen to all the stories you have accumulated through you life, and rule by your side, protecting you from all whom wish to harm you. Best regards, future ruler of Witherhold, Alex."
         Alex. That was the name of her betrothed. Morgan might have been speechless if not for the fact she didn't with ease in any sense of the word. It would take a lot more than a letter no matter how surprisingly well written to make her blush. Maybe if he was a girl and brought her a cup of coffee. Yes, indeed that was the key to Morgan's heart.
        The letter wasn't entirely useless. Now she knew Alex received a different education than her as he was a decent writer. That would have to be taken into account if she wished to trick him. However, difference in their educations did not surprise Morgan as Witherhold was quite different culturally from her home.
          Also buried within the paper was a smaller bit of useful material. Alex acknowledged Morgan's brain. The statement was far from courting protocol. If anything, Morgan should've called Alex smart. Alex was a wild card.
        She shared a glance with Ohio when he was done reading Alex's letter. Morgan hoped he realized what she had. They wouldn't have time to trade thoughts on what had been written for the rest of the day. Morgan was to learn to embroider the Witherhold crest after this fitting, and if time permitted, she was to start accustoming her pallet to the Witherholdian delicacies which would be served at the betrothal ball. It wouldn't even make sense for Ohio to be in the room for either job, and besides, he had jobs of his own to do. He was busy too.
       Busy, the perfect word to describe the weeks before Witherhold's ships arrived at port. Morgan had remedial etiquette classes to attend. When she wasn't there, she was doing even more fittings, mainly for her wedding dress. Of course other tasks piled on as well, her daily activities were not to be neglected. The day of Alex's arrival rolled around, and Morgan genuinely didn't realize where they were headed until Ohio asked her if she was nervous.
          "I couldn't be more joyful to meet my betrothed," Morgan replied, the King and Queen rode with them, and she was not in the mood for another visit with Dr. Leechcord. Even so, Mr. Jameson could easily tell Morgan was in fact nervous. Even if Ohio couldn't see the tapping of her small leather boots, she fidgeted with the pearls beaded on her gown quite loudly. A sharp glare from her mother ceased the clicking promptly.
       Before her mother could reprimand her the carriage stopped. When the door opened the salty smell of the sea hit Morgan like hurricane. She stepped out last, slowly taking her position among the welcoming crowd. An entire mob of trumpeters stood at attention to announce the Witherland royalty's arrival. Ohio took his place with the other footmen and servant in the back, but just in front of the other peasants trying to catch a glimpse of Alex. Morgan was glad ships never arrived on time. The more delay to this ordeal the better. Just her luck the ship arrived early.
          A whole fleet of ships followed the one which held the royal family of Witherhold. It was the very same ship Morgan would leave on in near six months time. Dread was too weak a word for how she felt of that leering day.
         Out of the ship first came a servant to announce the royalty. He had a shrill voice, and Morgan wanted to cover her ears as he spoke, "Prepare to be struck by the pulchritudinous, presence of Princess Rohese of Witherhold." He step aside so Princess Rohese could leave the boat. Morgan wondered if her mother was jealous that the princess's attire was far finer than her own.
Rohese joined Morgan's family where they stood, waiting for the rest of her own to arrive before greeting them. The crier carried on his announcing, "Now presenting his excellency, King Tancred of Witherhold." Tancred carried himself with pride. If he looked cockier it may have been mistaken for a strut. The King joined his wife where she stood.
Morgan planted her feet firmly on the ground. She was about to see Alex. She hoped they could at least be friends. The crier cleared his throat before starting to speak, "Gaze upon the future Queen of Witherhold, Princess Alex." Princess Alex. Morgan must have heard the crier wrong. Maybe the crier misspoke. Morgan's parents looked pretty shocked, so it was probably the case. Yes, that must be true. Still she couldn't regain her composure as the final royal exited the ship.
          The crier hadn't been wrong. Emerging from the ship, was the most beautiful lady Morgan had ever laid eyes on. Curls the color of oak trees cascaded down her back. Alex walked as if standing on clouds. She looked as if she stepped out of a dream, but the pinch of Morgan's shoes assured her she was present in this moment. This was really happening to her.
        The time it took for Princess Alex to get to Morgan felt like an eternity. It left Morgan pondering how she even got here. Her parents had told her she was to marry a Prince of Witherhold, yet the girl who approached her was clearly not a Prince. It was illegal to marry another woman in Morgan's own kingdom. Her parents had surely told the royal family of Witherhold of her issues. The mere notion of a place that wouldn't shun a queer princess solidified that this was the most surreal thing to ever happen to Morgan.
           Even as the thoughts raced through her brain Morgan's muscle memory kept her from making an unbecoming face the King however, audibly, gagged. The Queen simply furrowed her brow in shock and disgust. Alex ignored all of it, curtsying before Morgan. Her shot from her side sharply, Alex gently took it and placed a soft kiss on the top. Their eyes met and Morgan could swear she saw the dust float by Alex's eyelashes as she introduced herself, "I am honored to meet you Princess Alex. Please enjoy my lovely home as if your own." Later Morgan wouldn't remember what word had come out of her mouth. Only the up curling of Alex's roseate lips into a smile, "I am elated to be graced with your presence as well Princess Morgan," she reached into her pouch and drew a small bag. She could smell it from where she stood: coffee. "Please take this a a token of my affections your highness."
           The light weight of the small bag now in her hands left Morgan speechless. Even for royals coffee was a luxury. It was Morgan's personal favorite drink. With the other surprises the day had brought Morgan flushed red and dipped her head in a curtsy mumbling, "Thank... you."
        The Queen had regained her composure and spoke for Morgan, her most enjoyed activity, "You must be weary from your travels. Please, allow us to escort you to the palace." The other family obliged and they all loaded back into the carriage they had come in, now far more suffocating. The only other difference was her parents shaking in there boots from being shoved off their high horses. Morgan was happy to get some new company down in the mud.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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