Back From The Movies!!

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So I'm back first thing is how are you guys??!! But yea I went to see barbie and I my mom's friends kids also went and it was nice bc the girl is like my age and her little brother is my sister's age so yea honestly it wasn't bad coming from a person who doesn't like barbies and then after the movie was over we went to McDonald's and it had a Play area so we decided to play tag and they couldn't get me and then we went to the store and me and sister got paint but I'm finna paint a cross and then the girl started talking about evil eyes and how she used to wear them but now she doesn't bc she said that they were bad but I mean no soy nadie para juzgar bc I wear them and it's ok if you don't believe in them but I mean I'm catholic and I grew up wearing them ya know

But how was y'all's day??!!

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