The dolly wolly factory

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"I don't want to be a doll"said Sangou like she had a choice, the machine then said that she didn't match stock original then striped and saved her it even put a dolly wolly signature mark in her but cheek "oh come on Now Ill never wear a bikini again because this is permeant" said Sangou just as the costume dial started to slow down until it stopped on dolly we all had no idea to what it was until the machine sprayed Sangou in the plastic used for barbie dolls all around her body all except for her mouth, nose and eyes but it did leave a hole for her bum. it then glued a short brown wig on her head and put on another dolly wolly stamp and make up on her face then put her in a box and tied her up. now it was my mums turn to get striped, shaved and stamped which she did then the dial landed on peagant-queen and then got dressed like peagant-queen and shipped off to a box just like Sangou. now the machine had Jessica's mum in its cloches "you won't get away with this" shouted 'Markus's' mum as it shaved off all her hair and glued a blonde wig to her head and after a while of spinning the dial stopped on baby she screamed or tried to anyway as she had a pacifier put into her mouth and 20 diapers put on her. Lisa unluckily got the ducklet outfit it was a onesie that made it so the machine shaved off all your hair and didn't give you a wig. 'Markus' then got the tinker bell outfit an outfit where you are put into a revealing suit with barley any heating. and the it came to me and stopped on baby beach girl after recognising me as a stock doll after packing us all into dolly wolly boxes and tying our twist ties we were delivered to my house and to be unpacked..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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