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After jungkook left

Namjoon: since when did you guys talk to each other so comfortably?

Jin/jimin: oh about that.

After some minutes...

Jin: so that's what happened.

Namjoon: wow I can't believe that's what happened on jungkook's side of the story.

Yoongi: he must have gone through hard times while being overseas. He might of been drinking a lot to hide his sadness. Based on experience. He did that a lot when he was overwhelmed.

Jhope: yeah he did and coming from someone who saw everything.

🐹🐣: ahhh 😱 since when we're you here!?

Jhope: oh I just came in when yoongi was talking.

Taehyung: so you know what he went through. Tell me!!

Jhope: all I can say is yoongi was right and that there is more that just him drinking and going overseas. He was in the house he bought when he was overseas almost for 2 years . To the point that his brother had to go with him. All he did was get drunk. Then he meet his husband on a not so good situation. He got better and formed a life. Taehyung you have lost him.

Taehyung: it was all my fault and I know I can't get him back.

Jhope: No. It was no one's fault. You guys just got overwhelmed and made some not so great choices.

Namjoon: the only thing that is best for you both is to reconciliate.

After their talk taehyung started cry and jin hugged him, with the rest and they left.

A week later....

Author's pov

Jungkook and the rest have been getting along well. But when ever jungkook and taehyung were together it would always end up being awkward. The both of them were trying to be normal with each other. But it would always end up with taehyung feeling as he was at fault and jungkook would end up snapping at him. Now today they are interacting with each other.

Taehyung's pov

I wanted to speak to jungkook and this time I would try to be on his good side. I want it to be a serious talk instead of us ending up fighting and disagree with each other. I decided we would talk after work hour.

After we finished work I ask jungkook if we could talk privately and he reluctantly agreed. We went to a room. We were in a awkward silence when one of us talked.

Jungkook: so what is it you wanted to speak about?

Taehyung: oh about that I just wanted to talk to you about... well I would like for us to be on good terms. I know that what I did in the past is not something to over look at. I am sorry for the sadness I have caused you in the past. I can't justify my actions nor can I make it up to you since you already formed a family. I am glad to see you have moved on. I would just like for you to forgive me and for us to be normal to each other.

Jungkook: that's also what I want for both of us. Even though you and I have had something between us . Sure it was you who made the decision and left me, I though it was my fault but over time I came to my senses and thought maybe we didn't have a strong relationship that if something bad would happen we would help each other out. We just thought about how it will hurt us and we didn't want to face it. I loved you but we were the ones who were not ready for our relationship, we also did not build our trust. That is what we failed to do. We can't be in a relationship but we can be friends. But now I would like for you to be with someone else and be happy. I have seen you being only on the past. I have moved on and you should do the same.

Taehyung: thank you jungkook for forgiving me. I will make sure to not mess things up between our friendship.

Authors pov

Both were already crying. They just consulted each other. Until both of them finally calmed down. It was already night and they left to their respective house.

This part is really short. I just wanted it to show how taehyung and jungkook relationship is getting better and the start of their relationship. They will heal over time, that is what I'm trying to say. I hope you have liked this part.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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