The first meeting.

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At school*

*Haneuls pov*

I trudged down the hallway, my backpack slung over my shoulder and my head was fasting the floor. I tried to ignore the laughter and taunts of my classmates, but it was getting harder and harder to block them out. I knew they were talking about me, making fun of me, behind my back. I didn't blame them, really. After all I was the weird kid with the messed-up family. My parents divorce had turned my world upside down, and my father's abusive behavior had left me feeling helpless and alone. I just wanted someone to understand, someone to talk to. But as far as I could tell, there was no one in the world who cared. I trudged on, my thoughts swirling around in my head like a whirlpool. Little did I know, my life was about to take a turn I could never have expected.

I sat at my seat, staring blankly at the page in front of me. I had been trying to focus on my schoolwork, but my mind kept drifting back to the fight I had witnessed the night before. My parents had been screaming at each other again, hurling insults and accusations back and forth until my father had stormed out of the house. I tried to stay out of it, but I couldn't help feeling it was all my fault. Maybe, if I tried harder, they would love me more. But deep down I knew it wasn't that simple. As I looked around the classroom, I couldn't help but wonder if anyone else was going through the same thing. I felt so alone, so lost. Little did I know, I was gonna find the support and understanding I so desperately needed.

When the bell rang, everyone left the classroom and I was left alone to that empty class. Suddenly, I heard a commotion outside. Curious I went to the window and saw a group of kids picking on someone. As I looked closer I realized it was Mrs. Johnson's son, Aaron. Without help and having faith to my strength I rushed outside to help. I can't tell I even surprised myself but I couldn't just stand there and do nothing. Let's say I did it mostly for Mrs. Johnson.

When I got there, I made them realize that they should not mess with someone like me. They knew that I was stronger than then. I threatened them and for my expectations they backed off. Then I saw Aaron, who was on the floor. I offered him my hand and helped him get up.

Aaron: "Thank you, I don't know what would happened if you didn't come here." He said softly.

Haneul: "No need to thank me, I didn't do anything.. But I think you should tell her. She might be able to help.. And by her I mean your mother she's a wonderful person.

Aaron: *Aaron hesitated for a moment, but then he nodded*" You are right. She's always been there for me. I should trust her. After all she's my mother.. "


Haneuls pov:

He smiled, feeling a sense of pride at having helped someone else. It was then he realized that he had come a longway in just a few short days. He was no longer the scared, hopeless person he had been before. He was stronger now, and he knew with the support of Mrs. Johnson and her son, he would overcome anything.

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