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*Claire's POV*

I slowly woke up to my dad who was knocking on my door, "Claire wake up, its already one pm, you should really get ready for the day, you have chores to do." He yelled though the door. "Yeah, yeah I awake." I mumbled while getting out of bed walking towards my closet, it was a mess, and so was I.
"Ugh, I have better things to do than those chores." I said to myself while looking for something to wear. When I finally found something I quickly grabbed a towel and stumbled to the bathroom to take a shower.

As I stepped under the warm water of the shower, I all of the sudden remembered why I was so exhausted. All the messages and how he ended the call, he called me 'princess'. It just hurted the fact that I will never forget how he shot someone, I knew it was to save me but still, it was hard to forget. Plus keeping contact with someone famous, and who lives in a total different time is even worse, it was 6 hours later in Germany than here in America. How would we even do that, why would we even do that...

*Georg's pov*

It had been 8 hours, she's been sleeping for 8 hours, all those hours I spent on thinking about her. I didn't know how I could fall so hard for a girl I barely knew, a girl who I hurted so much. All of the sudden the door bell rang.

"Georg!" Someone yelled from outside the door i could hear it though my open window, it was Gustav. I got off my bed and completely opened my window fully so I could stick my head out. "yo what's up dude, where have you been all day." He shouted looking upwards, "owh ehm yeah, I was just tired and fell asleep I guess." I stumbled over my words a little. "Hold on be right there." I said, quickly running downstairs to open the door.

As I opened the door Gustav, Bill and Tom stormed my house in. "So what have you been up to?" Bill asked in excitement. "Owh not much, mostly just slept the day through." I stumbled out, looking down at the floor. "Owh, okay, so like wanna go to the movies or just watch something here?" Bill asked still not Getting the fact that I just wanted to be alone. Still, they got me to come with them to the cinema.

"I WANT SWEET" Tom screamed when we were getting popcorn. " Ugh, tom slow down we still have 15 minutes left!" Bill yelled at Tom while running after him. We were gonna watch something stupidly childish, all because Bill and Tom fell like 4 year Olds and wanted to watch Tangled that just came out. "Do we really need to go to this childish movie, why can't we watch something else?" I whined out.

"Look, I don't like this either, but I've got the feeling that those disney princess movies would really cheer you up cause you need it. You've been some depressed little fuck all day, get over that Claire."
Gustav replied "Excuses me, what did you just say about Claire? No shit I've been a total wreck today, I really messed up with her, and I feel bad. I haven't texted her yet and neither has she, and I know she never will!" I lied so they didn't knew me and Claire had contact. But what Gustav had said did really piss me off, how could he say something like that about the most beautiful girl in the world? I would never get over what I had done to her.

Before I knew, 20 minutes later we sat there in our luxury seats watching Tangled. Tom and Bill who shared a Massive popcorn bucket, where throwing it at each other and already eaten half of it while the movie hadn't even started yet. "Fuck, Tom we've got to stop eating were almost half way through and to movie hasn't even started yet!" Bill whisper yelled at Tom who was minding his own business, not realizing he had eaten so much already. "Shhhhhhhhhhh" all of the sudden came from a few rows infront of us. I could hear a small giggle from Gustav, befor the sound of someone getting hit on his head, and more giggling from the twins.

I was still really pissed about what Gustav had said about Claire, but for some stupid reason ,I was also enjoying the movie. At the break of the movie I checked my phone, I had a message from Claire, send and hour ago! Shit! I immediately checked what she said, it was just 'hi' ow I had hoped more.

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