Chapter 6

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    The talk of Sirius Black soon returned to fill the air at Hogwarts. To my relief, Brennon was no longer the topic of conversation. There were whispers that Sirius had been spotted on school grounds and was after Harry.

    "I think its rubbish," Cedric said as he strolled out of the change rooms at the quidditch pitch. October had rolled around meaning quidditch season was only a few weeks away. Each team had been practising as much as they could to better their chances of winning The Quidditch Cup.

    I had hardly seen Draco outside of classes because he spent the rest of his time out on the field.

    Cedric and I made our way back up to the castle together. I had decided to meet him after his practice once I finished off my homework for the night. It was also Halloween night so the feast we were expecting was going to be extraordinary.

    I parted ways with Cedric at the entrance of the Great Hall and made my way over to the Slytherin table, taking in all the decorations that filled the space. Carved pumpkins with glowing faces were spread in abundance throughout the hall. The night sky above was particularly starry and the floating candles added an orange hazy glow around the hall.

    The feast was amazing. Draco sat a few people away from me, still in his Quidditch gear. He was helping himself to large servings of the food spread out on the table. I finished off my dinner as the Hogwarts ghosts flew around the room in different formations.

    They were applauded and then with full stomachs everyone stood up to leave. Before anyone could get too far Dumbledore stood at the front of the hall and bellowed, "If I could have your attention students. There is something very important and potentially dangerous that the professors and I must tend to."

    Everyone broke out into whispers.

    "Is this going to affect Quidditch?"

    "Is Sirius here?"

    I scanned the crowd for Cedric but couldn't spot him in the sea of yellow.

    The doors to the Great Hall closed with a loud bang. It was the first time I had ever seen them closed.

    "The teachers and I need to conduct a thorough search of the castle," Professor Dumbledore stated loudly, the wave of whispers fell silent. "I'm afraid that, for your own safety, you will have to spend the night here."

    People broke out into another rush of whispers. Dumbledore explained that the prefects were in charge. With a swift wave of his hand the large tables moved to the side and hundreds of sleeping bags covered the floor of the great hall. The Halloween decorations no longer felt special.

    I looked up at Draco who had a worried look plastered across his face. Grabbe and Goyle called him over, he didn't look at me before he turned away hastily and went to them. I broke away from where I was standing and scanned the crowd of students for Cedrics familiar face.

    I made it to the other side of the hall when I felt a hand seize mine and I turned around. Cedric was standing behind me grasping my hand in his.

    "Do you know what's going on?" I asked in a hushed voice. Cedric looked nervous.

    "Sirius was spotted in the castle by Gryffindor's common room portrait," Cedric whispered to me, "that's all I know,"

    I stood still, confused. "What? Are you serious?" I suddenly felt nauseous.

    "Just leave it up to the professors."

    "How did he get in?"

    Cedric shrugged.

    "Do you want to stay with me?" He asked. A couple of his quidditch friends called him over to the circle they had made with the sleeping bags.

    "I'll be okay, go," I nudged him towards the group of boys he was friends with. He looked at me as though to ask are you sure? I nodded.

    The Hall was buzzing excitedly, I glimpsed some familiar faces and walked over to Hermione, Harry and Ron.

    "Do you think Black's still in the castle?" Hermione asked the two boys as I planted myself by her side.

    "Dumbledore obviously thinks he might be," Ron looked around himself nervously.

    "So he really is in the castle?" My voice shook as I asked. Harry nodded.

    "Can I stay with you guys tonight?" I asked looking at Harry. He looked like he was putting on a brave face. He nodded again. Not long after the professors had left the Head boy and girl were trying to get everyone into their sleeping bags.

    I slipped into my sleeping bag fully clothed, wedged in between Ron and Harry. I propped myself up onto my elbows and looked across the room. Draco flashed a disappointed look in my direction.

    "You can't Apparate into the school," Ron replied to a Ravenclaw who had suggested that was how Sirius got in.



    The days following the sighting of Sirius black kept everyone at Hogwarts on edge. I decided I needed to keep a close eye on Grace, I had to make sure nothing happened to her.

    "What're you doing here?" She laughed when she stepped out of her common room in the morning and found me waiting on the other side.

    "I thought I could walk you to breakfast," I pushed myself off the wall I had been leaning against and walked over to her. She seemed to find comfort in my words.

    "That would be nice. You're so busy at practice all the time I feel like we never get time to talk," She said as we started toward The Great Hall. I felt guilty, I was practising as much as I could before the Quidditch season started again. If it would even be starting at all with the Sirius Black sightings around the school.

    "How have you been feeling lately?" I asked.

    "Honestly I've been kind of scared, everyone is on edge," Grace stated, "The other day a Slytherin girl said she saw Sirius Black walking around the Whomping Willow. I mean - no one believes it but he's been all everyone has talked about for the whole year," She went on, "I'm worried about Harry too."

    We made it to the Great Hall and sat down together. The tension in the air was high, everyone looked tired.

    Dumbledore appeared at the front of the Hall. He usually didn't speak to anyone at breakfast.

    "Good morning students, I am aware that tensions are high throughout Hogwarts. I can, however, assure you that you are all safe. The guards situated around the school are on extra high alert and we have put in place extra precautions to make sure nothing dangerous enters this school again." he spoke with a calm voice, I could feel the relief rush through me.

    "I will ask each and every one of you to go about your days extra carefully and report anything suspicious to any professor immediately. Though while this incident is alarming, the Quidditch season will continue as planned." He finished with a small smile.

    The entire Hall burst into cheers. This was the news everyone needed to hear. The Quidditch cup 1994 was still up for grabs.

    October shot by, I made sure to keep a close eye on Grace whenever I wasn't training. Malfoy seemed to be hanging around wherever we were too. I had a strange feeling about him. 

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