• Designer Fleur

135 11 11

- Designer Seutoile

! My name is Fleur. I don't really have a visible style, but I do tend to make my covers look more realistic with a hint of smudge. Just be precise with your order, and I'll try to make your perfect cover^^


- Follow my account permanently.
- Give me credits in the description of your book.


Depending on the order, it could take me from 2 days to a week to make your cover. But don't worry, the wait will be worth it. As I always make sure to deliver the best quality covers only. On the other hand, if you happen to be unsatisfied with your cover, I will offer you upto 2 remakes.

Here's an insight to my work :-

Here's an insight to my work :-

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Book title:
Colour scheme:
Rough cover idea:
Short summary of your book:
Link to inspo:


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