Chapter 1

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PC Principal: I have had it with both of you!

Butters and Nelly were sitting in PC Principal's office because of a fight today

PC Principal: Why is it everyday I have to deal with you two?

Butters: Well she kicked me in the wiener

Nelly: Because you flashed me with it

Butters: Because you gave me a dirty look

Nelly: You are so un fucking believable

Outside PC Principal's office, Scott Malkinson and Kenny McCormick were outside waiting

Scott: Dude, are those two still at it?

Kenny: These two just need to make out

Scott looks at Kenny awkwardly

Kenny: What?

Scott: You have one fucked up mind, you know that?

Inside PC Principal's office

PC Principal: Ever since the gender war ended, you two just won't get along. I get you two have a hard time trusting each other, but that doesn't give you the right to flash your wiener in the school and you, the right to insult boys! I've called your parents about this incident

Nelly: When?

Stephen and Linda Stotch enter PC Principal's office along with one more person. A male with brown hair and green shirt and brown pants

Stephen: Butters! How many times do we keep telling you? "No flashing wiener in the school"

Nelly's Dad: Nelly! Why can't you just leave this behind?

Nelly: I don't know Dad, he's just a bastard

Suddenly the sound of babies crying are heard

Stephen: Linda, I know we're supposed to be pissed off but do you hear babies crying?

PC Principal: That's not important right now Stotch

Stephen: You're right

Linda: What will we do about these two?

PC Principal: May I suggest that you invite one of them to one of their houses for the day?

Butters and Nelly: What?!

Stephen: That doesn't sound like a bad idea

Nelly's Dad: I agree Stephen

Nelly: You can't do this to me!

Nelly's Dad: It's happening young lady whenever you like it or not

Outside PC Principal's office

Kenny: Oh Yeah. Those two are gonna screw

Scott: Kenny. I don't remember why we came to PC Principal's office in the first place

Stotch residence

Stephen: Now remember you two, don't kill each other or you're both grounded. I'm locking you both in Butters' room until dinner. Got it?!

Butters: Yes Dad

Nelly: Yes sir

Stephen locks the door

Nelly's Dad: Stephen

Stephen: What?

Nelly's Dad: I use that same method whenever my daughter has troubles with getting along with people

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