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Hobie's pov:

Recently, Pav has been more.. distant from me, he doesn't spend as much time with me.. im lucky if he even spends an hour a week with me..

I get hes got stuff happening in his world, but,

Hes been hanging out more and more with Gwen and Miles..
Even they've distanced themselves from me.. and im not sure why..
I just, continue to act like I don't care, even if it hurts to have Pav avoiding me..

I should tell him about my feelings for him when I next see him.. maybe he'll hang out more.. or like me back..?

I shake my head, silently tuning my guitar, before starting to play, thinking back to all the good times I'd had with him..

Pavitr's pov:

I've been..  avoiding Hobie, I cant let him know.. I.. I cant let him know..

I stood Miles's room, both Miles and Gwen were there, hugging me..

Comforting me..

Gwen was saying something, her tone panicked,

But I couldn't focus, I was in too much pain..

my stomach had began to glitch.. worse than ever before..

we have.. chances? (Chaipunk one-shots!)Where stories live. Discover now