chapter 1

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It was a new day, the sun rose upon the horizon to fill the sky with colours of yellow, orange and pink. I woke up in my dorm, the colours of green reflected around my room from the painted walls around me. I stretched my arms until I heard the satisfied click that I hear every morning, I finally get up feeling the cold, rough floor on my feet. I get changed into my slytherin robes, i apply mascara as my mother always said it made my eyes pop. I grab my bag and I skip down the steps until I reach the common rooms, a smile appears on my face as I see one of my best friends; Pansy. I walk up to her, I see her and Blaise holding hands.

"It finally happened then, you two took long enough." A blush appeared on their faces as I spoke, I looked to the left of them to see Draco. He had a smirk on his face, that stupid smirk oh how I hated it. His stupid Blonde hair and those stupid grey eyes, I can't tell if he was a dimwit with a massive ego or if he was a guy who was stupidly hot. My thoughts were interrupted as I heard Draco speaking.

"So are you going to stop staring at me and walk to breakfast with us?" He said with a smug look on his face. I rolled my eyes at his response.

"Whatever." I walked ahead of them to the hall, I sat next to Lorenzo. His face lit up with a smile as I sat down, he was my best friend always has been, always will be. He turned to me as I spoke.

"Mornin, how are you this fine morning?" He said as he took a bite of his toast.

"It's not that fine y'know, but you obviously had a nice date with Astoria last night so you must be happy." I smirked at him as Astoria looked down at the table with a smile on her face, her arm was wrapped around his. The silence explained it all, they were deep in love; they've been in love ever since third year when they were just 13. We are now 17 years old and we're in our last year of Hogwarts. It makes me sad really, the only person I ever loved in this school was Cedric whilst I was in fourth year. It feels like nothing ever turns out right, he got murdered once he was in the maze for the triwizard tournament. These thoughts were deep, it made me sad just thinking about Cedric's death. My face had a sad expression lying upon it, everyone at the table had noticed it now.

They all turned to each other as my eyes began to water, I snapped out of my thoughts. I looked around at my friends, I quickly apologised and excused myself then I left. I picked up my bag and walked out the hall, I loosened my tie as I walked. It felt like I couldn't breathe. All these memories rushing back to me felt like they were strangling me, yes it happened years ago but it still hurts. Like a wound that's being reopened. As I was walking through the hallways I felt someone following me; Draco.

He grabbed my wrist gently as he pulled me into an empty classroom, he knew I was always hurting. Death isn't something you can just ignore and dodge, it'll always be there as a reminder. The reminder of pain that'll always be with you. Me and Draco didn't talk in the classroom, I just cried into his shoulder as he slowly rubbed my back in comfort. He looked at me, his usual smug look was replaced with a more saddened, sympathetic one. He used his thumb to wipe away my tears.

"You'll be okay darling" He smiled sadly at me as he spoke, we stayed there for a few minutes. Draco holds comfort that you don't expect, I may call him stupid but he's still kind in ways you wouldn't ever imagine. Maybe Cedric isn't the only one I've ever loved, Draco has always been there for me. Maybe my love for him has always been there, just in the back of the heart trying to hide away and not to be noticed.

I look up at him and smile weakly, he looks into my eyes and seems like hes searching for something. "Thank you" I say, my voice cracking mid sentence.

"Will you be alright for class? We've got Snape." He says as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "We're late as it is, not that it matters." He smiles softly.

"I'll be okay, let's go." He slips his hand in mine, telling me that he'll always be there for me no matter what. We walk to class just talking about how pissed Snape will be, we made a bet on his reaction. He said that Snape would be pissed but he wouldn't give us a punishment, I said he'd definitely give us a detention. I was right of course, we received a detention for being 20 minutes late.

Me and Draco spent the rest of the day together, talking about anything and everything. We ended the day with all of us sitting in the common room, laughing, talking and possibly the occasional gossip especially about Potter and his little golden group. I went to bed that night knowing that Draco is making the pain slowly disappear and thank him for it, right now we are closer than before. The warm fuzzy feeling that I haven't for years was coming back from when I'm around him, the feeling of love.

Hope you guys enjoyed!

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