Chapter 2

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I spend the next few days with Draco, but the kindness act was soon all over after Pansy started flirting with him again. I was sat in class and noticed that Draco's seat was empty, he had been doing that a lot recently or bailing out of plans at the last minute.

I turned to Blaise as I spoke, "you reckon he's okay?" I didn't take my eyes off Draco's chair but Blaise knew i was talking about him.

"I'm sure he's fine, he's probably ill. I'll go to his dorm later today to check up on him." Blaise said to stop me worrying, either he was sick or he was shagging Pansy.

The next few hours of classes went like a blur, getting ready for our exams were exhausting but there's always the possibility of the exams being cancelled. This is all because Voldemort's back, his little army are willing to fight and if that happens then we'll all get involved. The death eaters have been trying to take over the ministry but secretly it's been ran by them for years, my parents have been death eaters since I was born. Guess we aren't a perfect family, I always knew but they always tell them that they did it to protect me.

I was sat in the common rooms reading when Draco walked in, he looked exhausted. He had black bags under his eyes and he was as pale as ever, he came and sat down next to me.

"Draco, are you okay? You don't look well." I said with concern lacing my words.

He smiled weakly at me,
"I'm fine, I just haven't slept good these past few days."

"You sure? Because if there's something wrong I can help you, I'm always here for you y'know. You help me when I need someone to talk to so I'll return that favour." As I was speaking, he had rest his head on my shoulder and fell asleep. Something wasn't right and I was willing to find out what is wrong with him.

We sat at the dinner hall and Draco wasn't there again, I excused myself and I walked to the Slytherin common rooms. I walk up to Draco's dorm room and I walk in, he was shirtless. Seems like he had just came out the shower, his hair wet and he had the same tired expression on his face. Although I noticed something on his arm, the same mark my parents have on their arms, the one I have. The death eater mark, Draco was now one of them. I quickly backed out the room and I ran down the steps.

"Tris" I heard over and over again, he was shouting after me and he was trying to catch up to Me. I grabbed my arm and yanked me into a broom cupboard.

"What did you just see?" I didn't answer him, I was just looking at the now covered up arm that has the mark on.
"Answer me god damn it." Frustration was in his voice, I didn't answer him I just hugged him.

"I'm so sorry Draco, you don't deserve this." He put his arms around me and hugged me back as tears slowly slipped down his face.
I look up at him,
"Did your father make you do it?"

"The others would kill me if i didn't get it, they would kill my mother if I didn't." Same threats, different people. They used the same threat on me but with my siblings, although I got my mark reluctantly. They killed my younger brother and sister in the process, they were twins. They killed them because I took too long to decide, my parents have never forgiven me because I took too long to take this "opportunity" as they call it. To them the dark mark is an opportunity for great power and to excel as a witch, the power of people fearing me will apparently make me thrive. They lost children because of me but all they cared was about serving Voldemort's needs.

The next few weeks were hard, We had been set several tasks to complete for old voldy. Draco had the task of killing Dumbledore and I had to distract Potter, I had to make him not trust the people around him and get everyone he knows to turn on him. It wasn't that difficult, Harry always had a thing for me so I started "dating" him. The feelings he had for me were not real but I had to pretend, no one but Draco knew it was fake on my end.

Severus got in on the plans, he was the one who was tasked to watch over Draco and me. Draco's mother made the unbreakable vow with Snape to protect me, my parents never thought of anything like that because apparently I didn't need protection. Apparently being 17 means that you can handle anything and everything, i couldn't handle it. I was still a kid, my childhood cut short because my parents were selfish and because they wanted their popularity and status to be great for our family tree.

Words- 859

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