chapter 1

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Chapter 1:
The three friends, Vickie, Marie, and Josid, were walking through the school, eager for their upcoming field trip. But their excitement was soon put aside when they overheard a mysterious conversation with their teacher, Mr. Steiner.

"We can't let them know! This can't get out, or else-" Mr. Steiner whispered, sounding panicked and frantic. The girls saw Mr. Steiner hurry off, looking over his shoulder every few moments. But why? The three friends could only ponder, and it drove them crazy...

"Why is Mr. Steiner acting so secretive and nervous?" Vickie whispered to her friends, Marie and Josid.

"Maybe he's planning something?" Josid suggested. "It might be a surprise for our field trip!"

But all of their suspicions went out the window when they saw Mr. Steiner talking to a strange man in a dark alley...

"Who are you?" Mr. Steiner asked the man. The man's face was masked in shadow, but they could make out a sharp, gleaming object in the man's hand. Mr. Steiner's voice trembled with fear as he backed up against the wall, his face stricken with dread.

"Don't make it harder on yourself, Mr. Steiner..." the man hissed to the teacher. "We just need your help... Just do as we ask, and this can go very smoothly..."

But all the girls could do was stare in horror as the masked man stepped forward in an intimidating manner, his eyes glowing with malevolence.

"Give us that..." the masked man seethed, "and this will end quick." He held up a shiny object, the girls couldn't see what it was. Mr. Steiner looked up at the masked man, his face filled with sheer terror. He knew they were in serious trouble. The masked man smiled, revealing sharp, pointed teeth.

But before the man could do anything else, Vickie, Marie, and Josid burst forward and jumped the masked man, tackling him to the ground with all their strength. The man was startled and shocked, but quickly grabbed the girls and tossed them to the side. He looked up at the girls, his face contorted into a twisted grin. "Stupid girls... Did you really think you could stop me..." he hissed at them, brandishing his shiny object...

The girls cowered on the ground, their eyes filled with fear as they braced themselves for the worst. But before the masked man could harm them, they heard a loud, echoing voice from elsewhere:


They looked up, their hearts pounding out of their chest, and saw the police charging in, their guns pointed at the masked man. The masked man looked up at the police, his face filled with sheer horror. He dropped the sharp object, and the police tackled him to the ground.

The three friends looked at one another with a mixture of relief and fear. The police arrested the masked man, and they took him away without a fight. But their worries didn't fade - the sharp, shiny object was still on the ground. They quickly approached it, wanting to see exactly what it was. It looked like a strange, circular key...

They turned their attention to their teacher, Mr. Steiner, who was standing to the side, watching the events unfold. He looked pale and shaken, but he seemed relieved to see the masked man leave.

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