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So uh. Apparently tomorrow there's a chance a law might be passed where a parent of a child 18 or younger will be able to monitor everything a kid does online and see everything they do on a app, everything they search, all photos and shit like that even if it's deleted and I most likely won't be able to use Wattpad anymore because I write literal x readers and read them also. Which is embarrassing as fuck.... i don't want to be called downstairs and have to explain what x readers and wtf lemons are to a to grown adults. So uh, yeah, sorry.

Never thought I'd see a day where there's a chance I would have to stay away from quotev,discord,Reddit and Wattpad. Sad times, really sad times.

I don't know to much about this act, (I think it's called KOSA? I don't know.) it also limits what we post online, such as controversial topics and such.

Fuck this act 🖕

Just when you think we couldn't get into any more shit.

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