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Thea got up while holding her side. "Be careful, you and Todoroki already lost way too much blood," Midoriya stated his worry.

"I'll be fine," Thea panted. She glared at Stain, who was watching them amusingly. "It's a long shot, but one of us needs to distract him while the others support from behind. I think it should be the broccoli hair guy since it seems he's better at close combat." Midoriya wanted to protest. "If you want to help your friend, this is the best option." She gave the boys a determined look. "Got it!"

The boys came to a silent agreement and nodded.

"Three against one, huh?" Stain pondered. "This fight won't be easy." Especially if that girl can hear what my next move is.

Thea heard Todoroki's little monologue about the attack on Iida's brother, which Thea can understand why the guy would want revenge. It made her hatred for the students simmer a bit...but it was still there for ruining her plan. She even heard a little about his life story about being the son of the number two hero, Endeavor, another hero she despises.

Midoriya jumped and bounced from wall to wall to gain Stain's attention. Stain kept following Midoriya and then dodged out of the way before he could attack. Stain raised his sword but Todoroki shot out more ice spikes to make a barrier between Stain and Midoriya. Thea levitated a door and whacked Stain's back. Todoroki thrust his arm out to throw flames at Stain. Stain managed to dodge it and held his dagger up to take a swipe at Midoriya. Thea quickly ran over to push him out of the way, Stain's knife knicking her instead. The cut was deeper than she thought, which got her to collapse near the wall.

"Hey, you ok?" Midoriya rushed out as he knelt next to her. His eyes widened as Stain came near them, a crazy maniacal look in his eyes. Crap. His fighting style has completely changed!

Thea raised her hand and levitated a few broken shards of ice from the ground before throwing them at Stain. Stain dodged it but flipped when Todoroki kept shooting fire and ice at him. Stain turned and rushed at Todoroki, who kept trying to shoot him.

"Ice and fire," Stain began as he slid side by side to avoid getting hit.

"Just try and dodge this, villain!" Todoroki said.

He did. "Hasn't anyone ever told you, you rely on your Quirk too much? Makes you a careless fighter."

Stain jumped and was about to slash Todoroki. Even if Thea wanted to levitate him out of the way, she knew she would be a second too late before Stain kills him.

"Todoroki!" Midoriya shouted, the same time Thea yelled, "Kid!"

If I don't stand up right now, I'll never be able to be as good as them, Thea heard Iida say as he stood with a newfound determination. I'll never live up to my brother's name!

"Recipro burst!" Iida shouted as the engine from his calves ignited and he sprinted toward Todoroki. Just at the last second, Iida was able to kick Stain's blade away before using his other leg to kick Stain away from them.

He's fast! Stain thought.

"Iida!" Midoriya cried.

"'Bout time!" Thea shouted.

"Guess his Quirk isn't as great as I thought it was," Todoroki commented.

Iida panted, "Todoroki...Midoriya...Newcomer...This has nothing to do with you. I apologize."

"Come on. Not this again," Midoriya said. Thea tried to move but it only came out as a grunt. Midoriya held her in place so she would hurt herself further.

"I'm ok. And I won't let you three shed any more blood for me!"

Stain rammed his knife to the ground. "It's no use trying to pretend you're a hero now," Stain sneered. "A person's true nature doesn't change in just a few minutes. You'll never be anything but a fraud who prioritizes his own desires. You're the sickness that's infected society and ruined the name 'hero.' Someone must teach you a lesson."

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