No Loose Ends

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On a desolate mountain top there's a man typing on a computer with a generator, and a satellite dish nearby connected to the computer. The man who looks to be in his 20's is muttering to seemingly nothing as he types, is having an argument with his failures or more accurately the ghosts of his past friends. One of the unnamed ghost floats next to the mans ear and in a ghastly whisper tells him
"John, you have to stop...what about everyone else?!"
The now named John without even blinking in the ghost direction fires back
"They are a part of the problem too, while those fools rose to power they were nothing but sheep that listened and obeyed"
The ghost seemed shocked as its form dissolved away like ashes in the wind. John kept typing as another ghost formed next to his ear and quietly asked
"What would your family think of this...this wretched idea?"
And again without giving the ghost a modicum of respect simply retorts
"They are not here to tell me...not even in the afterlife do they want to speak to me."
With that the ghost's form shatters like glass and is gone. Just about finished with his work another ghost forms beside him, but unlike the last two this one is clothed in a cloak of light, not

like the misty forms of the past two. The seemingly holy spirit floats in front of John and gives him an order.
"You will stop this and rep-"
However the spirit was cut off by John's laughter as he stopped typing. "Ha..hahaha...ahahahahaha"
Witch started quiet, but grew to something resembling evil
But as loud as he laughed it was even more scary for the spirit when he stopped. His head hung low so that the spirit couldn't see his eyes. He started to preach to the spirit.
"So you demand that I stop what I'm doing on the account of a thing that left me to my misery and suffering? You stay there in your arrogance thinking that there is only one thing that a mortal would do when faced against the world and its heavens, and that is to bow?"
The spirit only seen by John backed up but made no sound. John raised his head and stared into the light.
"In this world and in this life there are many things that can be learned...and one of those lessons I learned is that when you build a house with one pillar, its going to crumble sooner or later"
The spirit seemingly realized that John was beyond what a normal human was and gave him one last chance to spare the rest of humanity.
"I am willing to-"
"And I'm not". With those three words the light faded away and left John with his set up...and with his resolve unbroken.

After a few minutes two federal marshals arrive at the top of the mountain where John had his set up. The two marshals stop raise their weapons and shout
"John Doe you are under arrest raise your hands above your head and get on your knees!"
With a chuckle John turns around and asks
"Well, what am I under arrest for?"
One of the marshals a woman named Ella with a undertone of disgust rattles of his list
" aggravated assault , embezzling, tax fraud, refusal to surrender information, refusal to surrender firearms, refusal to follow language mandates, and refusal to follow cultural mandates" A smile like a crescent moon split the face of John as he saw a hint of regret on the other marshal's eyes. Suddenly, nostalgia flowed through John as he recognized the other, older, marshal.
"Oh, how long are you going to stand there and not say hi Ben?" The older marshal flinched and left his gaze on the ground, unable to look the man across from him in the eye. With a condescending smirk John shifted his attention back to Ella and a plan formed in his mind.
"Say Marshal, do you think ill be spared in the court system?" Looking at him incredulously she gains a scowl on her face and states
"You will be tried under the law and if the judge deems it you will die."
John's smirk seemed to stretch from cheek to cheek.
"No I don't think I will"
With that comment Ella march forward about to cuff John when in a flash he disarmed the female marshal and held her hostage instead. Looking Ben in the eye John keeps his plan rolling. "Now old man, throw your gun off the side"
With a single movement, now the situation was in the palm of John's hand.

Krunch.Thud. Now only the old sheep remained, still too scared to look John in the eye.
In a flash John ran at Ben and disarmed the marshal. Cuffing him he pulled him to a kneeling position in front of his computer. With the air of superiority John held his finger over the Enter key of his computer.
"Ya know Ben"
"You've never been one to see anything through"
"Not my Safety"
"Not my family's safety"
"And now...not even the society you swore to protects safety"
Finally looking up to meet John's eyes Ben can only whimper out
"I'm sorry"
John then laugh as he stated
"This society you wanted to protect was rather stupid you know"
"They left all their hope into a single pillar of communication, and left that pillar undefended" "I'm going to push that pillar over and burn this corrupt society to the ground"
Ben with wide eyes cried out to John
"If you do that then millions, billions will die your no better than the devil!"
John suddenly gained a thoughtful look as he thought about what Ben said. He would be the devil? Wasn't he already? A being, expelled from his home for no longer following the rules, forever cursed to live in hell for eternity. John laughed at the similarities in his head.
"You have a point, so that I do concede" Ben gained a hopeful look.
"However I will not stop" Only for it to shatter. John held his gaze in an Iron grip as he spoke again.

"I am not the bad guy in this story"
"I do what I do because there is. No. Choice."
With that John dropped his finger on the enter key. And just like when an executioner's blade falls, death follows. Ben watched in horror as he saw on the screen. The internet shut down. Communications followed, along with a few apocalyptic explosions in government buildings everywhere. The satellites save for a few fell from the sky. From those few satellites that remained Ben was horrified. John simply turned around and started to walk off, before stopping. "Oh and Ben" He turned his head with a smile.
"You might as well stay and watch the end of your precious society" His eyes held a near insane glee.
"And why not, you've got the best seat in the house" As Ben watched in absolute horror, a single thought crossed his mind in morbid curiosity.
Was it always this easy to bring down humanity?

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