Chapter 1: First True Friend

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First Day of School

{Inside of Ryuji's head}

Yes it's finally time for the first day of high school. This year's going to be better then all the others. I never really thought about it until now but I need friends. I think I'm tired of playing video games by myself. I'm kind of tired of playing the same game with my mom and I end up teaching her how to play every single time it's like she hears nothing I say sometimes but I know she loves me. Even though when she talks in her sleep sometimes I hear her have dreams about selling me and being happy about it.

(Ryuji gets up out of bed and get dressed)

Riyumi : "Ryuji come on your food is ready you don't want to be late for your first day of school again this year last time your principal called me and said that  your son is up here begging me to change the attendance so it won't be on his permanent record."

Ryuji : "okay okay I get it."

Riyumi : "I still don't know how do you go to school everyday have perfect grades and you still don't have friends or girlfriend.hey  Ryuji you know that I want grandK...."

 (He interrupts her and says)

Ryuji : "STOP STOP! you're right about the friend part but the girlfriend part not very sure about that."

Riyumi : "Just promise me this year you bring home a girl or two please."

Ryuji : "I don't even know if girls are interested in me so I can't guarantee anything."

Riyumi :  "Don't think like that you look just like me and I'm beautiful."

Ryuji : "Anddddd there's the problem right there."

Riyumi : "Damn Ryuji you just going to hurt in my feelings like that."


(Ryuji precedes eating the rest of his breakfast with his mom then he is off for his first day of high school, but he didn't know that this wasn't going  to be a ordinary first day of high school he was going to meet somebody that was going to change his life forever. On the way walking to school  Ryuji notice some kids from his last school so he wanted to say hi, it took him a while to say it but he eventually did)

Ryuji : "hH HhhhhhHH Hi you guys."

Boy 1 : "Who is this kid do you know him."

Chimon : "No I don't... wait I do know him  Ryuji Takasukun right."

Ryuji : "Yes that's my name and you are Chimon Sasaki."

Chimon : "Yes."

Ryuji : "How do you know my name I thought nobody knew my name I was such a quiet and boring person."

Chimon : "We were in the same class even though you were quiet and boring like you said I still noticed you but don't you remember we did that one project together I noticed that you were smart because you were able to do the project without communicating to me what exactly you need it done."

 (In Ryuji's head I cannot believe in the fact that he just told me that I was boring then tried to cover it up with a compliment. Can't he see it's taking all I have just to talk to him at this moment)

 Ryuji's : "I..I..I..... was able to finish the project because of you and the fact that I  always have spare time"

Chimon : "That's weird how can somebody that smart have that much spare time"

(in Ryuji's head damn what do I say to him do I confess and say that I have no friends and I'm a weirdo that watches anime all day, man this is hard)

Ryuji : "Nothing....."

Chimon : "Man you're a weird kid but we can be friends feel like there's a secret about you that I don't know yet but in the meantime let's worry about getting to school because we got like 5 minutes until we're late."

Ryuji : "You're right."

Chimon : "Race you there."


(Chimon was not prepared for how fast  Ryuji was even though he had no one to impress he kept his body in shape he believed that one day he will be a anime protagonist  he's not just fast  Ryuji can bench 400 lb and squat 700 lb. So overall Chimon got destroyed in that race. Chimon is in a daze by the fact he beat him but putting all that aside they both hurry the class they end up  slipping in right in time but the teacher notices and said something about it to the class.)

Ms. Sasaki : "The way that you two snuck in my classroom  you kind of look like my date when they're trying to strand me at a restaurant."

(The class laughs at the teacher)

Ms. Sasaki : "You guys it's not funny."

Chimon and Ryuji : "We are so sorry Ms. Sasaki."

Ms. Sasaki : "Okay can I just go sit down please."

Chimon and Ryuji :  "yes ma'am."

Ms. Sasaki : "So class we have a new student from a different country in this class today and I will like her to introduce herself and I would appreciate if y'all give her more respect then what you just gave me."

Everly : "Hello everybody my name is Everly Brown  and I was born and raised in America but both of my parents are from Japan due to horrible  circumstances I had to transfer to a school in Japan but with all that aside I cannot wait to meet you guys."


(The class goes crazy and everybody cannot stop thinking about how beautiful she looks besides Ryuji, while she was talking Ryuji noticed that she was looking directly at him the whole time so it kind of confused him. In that moment he got a thought in his mind that she could be a good friend. But there was something very off about her she's smiling but it looked like she was hiding something. Maybe her true feelings.)

 To Be Continued......

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⏰ Huling update: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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