the deal

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striker speaking will be bolded
blitzø speaking will be normal

⚠️ contains dialogue from helluva boss s1e5 , i did not write some of the dialogue.

word count:

it started out fun.

blitzø was down in the wrath ring, celebrating the harvest moon festival with his employees, their family, and a Goetian prince. earlier in the visit, he had been introduced to a farm hand named Striker. a charming snake-like imp with a southern charm that was so..inviting. blitzø had met his match.

from the start, striker was charming blitzø into a lull. he was confident. striker was quite an opponent in the pain games, giving blitzø an outlet for his energy and a chance to show his competitive side. though blitzø felt bad for his employee, moxxie, he couldn't feel all that bad when he was having so much goddamn fun.

after the show that was put on in the pain games, blitzø felt it was appropriate to invite striker to join I.M.P, not thinking to consult his employees.

he had finally found someone who could keep up, someone who was finally on the same page as he was, someone who he would later find out was sent on a mission to assassinate blitzø's ticket to the living world.

moxxie had stumbled upon a weapon hidden in strikers room. a gun, engraved and glowing with a bright pink aura. a powerful weapon, strong enough to kill demon royalty, intended to be used on the goetian prince.

blitzø stood there in the room with striker, having every intention to stop him from completing his mission. moxxie and millie had put up quite a fight with striker, blitzø spotted blood on the floor. he had hidden them somewhere.

the shorter imp stood with his gun pointed at striker, who was leaning casually on the windowsill. "blitz, i thought you were still at the ceremony," he spoke, a smug, toothy grin across his face.

"you thought i wanted to stand around with a bunch of hillbillies excited about corn n shit with a thirsty owl on stage ?" blitzø spat back, clearly infuriated.

"huh..well now you seem disappointed in me." that twisted grin never leaving his face, curling up into a smirk at the edges as he turned his head and body to face the other imp.

"yeah, well i'm not a fan of someone i offered a job to about to off my easiest lengthy ticket to earth behind my back." he wasn't the best at being intimidating, but he didn't care right now. he wanted to punch the smug smirk off that snakes face, he wanting to pull the trigger so badly, but he didn't. striker spoke again, this time walking towards blitzø, backing him into a wall

"blitz, come on. you know, the two of us are superior than most of our kind, and you are so above suckin' on a disgusting, rich, pompous, Goetia, only to sneak topside for scraps and work for bitter sinner who could care less who you are..when you could be slaying overlords"-

by this point, he had blitzø questioning. was he right ? was blitzø wasting his time ? he was so extremely conflicted as he got lost in the words, snapping back to reality only for a second to keep his gun on the other imp, before getting lost again.

-"why struggle to run a business that is rigged against you, when you could partner up with me and kill the unkillable."

with that, striker pushed his hands on either side of blitzø's head. the smaller imp kept his gun pointed at the snake, trying to stand his ground. that's when striker said the line that changed everything.

"starting with the one that treats you like a play-thing."

blitzø was silent. though he had seconds, the time he spent in that moment felt like forever, the thoughts were endless.

thoughts of his past relationships flooded his mind, they all ended the same way. painful. full of resent. he thought about what he felt in them, never believing when any of his partners told him they loved him, feeling manipulated and betrayed. these feelings were strongest in this fling he had with stolas, he kept his distance, somehow still getting hurt. every smile, every word of affirmation, it all felt like lies. he knew deep down that stolas simply viewed him as a quick way to get off. just then, all of the anger and resentment he had built up.

"ooh that's..kinda hot.."

"we could be the most dangerous beings in hell, blitz."

blitzø spoke with a shiver now, intimidated and slightly flustered "that was a good fuckin' pitch.."

"been work shoppin' it" striker spoke, that smirk never leaving his face.

blitzø shifted his gaze, avoiding the other demon while considering his words, surprisingly so. his inner voice was screaming at him, but he wouldn't listen.

"you know what..fuck it. i'm in."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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