1 : the end is getting closer

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As Henry looks up at the moon the stars taking there place in the sky the stars a showing like something special is coming 

It's just a stupid prophecy right? 

Henry's thoughts raced in he's mind thinking if its real or not

"I-it can be real its stupid" Henry said he was doubting if its real or not

As he thought more and more he slowly became to the realization 

What if its real

No it can't be real we haven't had a solar eclipse in decades 

I wonder whats coming 

"Mm I should go back home" Henry said packing up hes stuff

As he was slowly walking toward a cabin that was nearly by

Henry slowly opens the door seeing he's dad on the couch with some empty beer cans thank God he's asleep 

Finally without waking up dad getting up the stairs the doors to he's two sisters rooms are closed Henry walks past them and opens a door and goes in there finally ending the day

I wonder what would happen if it was real or not

Probably not

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A book that is about some stupid characters ((wip))Where stories live. Discover now