Chapter 1: Graduation

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Hi, my name is Samantha Reid but most people like to call me Sami. I am 22 years old and I just graduated from NYU. I have always wanted to go into photography. Anyways, that's enough of that.

I was getting ready for the after party. I dug out a crop top, shorts and a pair of sandals. I get ready to go. I threw on my outfit, put on some mascara and lipgloss and put my hair into some bubble braids. I head over to my best friend's apartment. His name is Josiah Barnes. I honestly don't know how he is able to have a party at his apartment. I walk in and he's the first person that I see. "Oh I am so sorry. I must be at the wrong place." I say, giggling a little. "Oh really now? Who are you supposed to be seeing?" Josiah says. "Oh he's tall, has long hair and is a complete nerd. I forgot to mention, he's hispanic and hella annoying about it." I say. "Okay that was not funny one bit, Sami." he says. "Oh but if it wasn't funny, then why are you laughing?" I ask. "I don't know what you are talking about." he says.

A few drinks later, I find myself so drunk that I can barely walk. I was just impressed that I could make it to Josiah's room without running into something. I open the door, close it and just strip down to my underwear and bra. I flop on the bed and pass out.

I wasn't out for long. I woke up to someone's hand on my shoulder. "Sami, wake up." I heard. I flip over and I see Josiah standing there. "Shit! I am so embarrassed. How long have I been out?" I ask, turning red. "Just five minutes. I saw you going into my room and just let you be. When it turned into five minutes, I decided to check on you." he says. I look down and see that I was still just in my underwear and bra. "Fuck!" I shout. I start to panic. My best friend has now just seen me almost completely naked. I spring from the bed and try to grab my clothes. Before I could do anything, Josiah grabs my arms.

"Sami, calm down. You don't have to freak out." he says. "I'm almost completely naked." I say, freaking out. "It's nothing I haven't seen before." "Okay that is way different. We were just kids. I didn't have any of this back then." I say. Just then, Josiah gets closer to me. "Back then? Now? What difference does that make? You are still beautiful." he says. He kisses me and I kiss back. He then pushes me back on the bed and that's all I could remember.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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