Chapter 1 · A Star To Chase

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"Come on Note-taker xuanzi! I want to play at the edge of the forest" Zhan whined then his purple wings flickered.

Xuanzi means Fairy.

"Could you please stop calling me a 'note-taker xuanzi'?!" This fairy has a small notebook that is made of the leaves of a tree. And always brings it with him, So Zhan can't help but call him that.

"What's wrong with-" Zhan didn't finish his sentence when the note-taker fairy cut him.

"Listen! I know why you want to go to that place and I'm warning you now. Fairies belong to the forest and Humans belong out there."

He knew that Zhan wanted to see those Actors who were currently filming near the forest. Ever since Zhan watched them, He became insane to the word that he heard from them!

What's the word again? Dove? Rove? ah! it's LOVE.

"Fine then! I'll play by myself" Zhan scoffed.

"Don't you try. I'll tell your Papa"

Zhan's father is the leader of their Village. So why everyone is hesitant to play with him? Well, He is just majestic. His purple with a tint of glitter wings, His long light violet curly hair, and His emerald eyes are just perfect!

"I don't have friends here! I'm bored. Please, just this time" he pleased with his captivating eyes.


The note-taker fairy turned his back means he's letting Zhan go away and pretending he didn't meet him.

Thus, Zhan's eyes glow!

"Wait! Bring this with you" He then passed a pixie pear with a different color, "Just in case you'll need it"

"CUT" The director shouts as the crew cheers.

Finally, the last scene is done.

"Where are you going, Yibo?" Zhao Liying suddenly asked— his co-star in this series, Legend of Fei.

"I'll take a walk"

"Huh? It's already late"

"I know" He then started to walk away and wave his hand.

Zhao Liying just shakes her head, "Indeed a cold guy"

On the other hand, Zhan is so happy in the last scene. He almost cried while hiding in a bush. He didn't notice the time as well.

"Oh my! where's my star?" He asked himself as he searched the area from afar.

It's Wang Yibo he's talking about, a human that he's idolized and his star!

While searching, he then startled when he heard footsteps nearing at his place!

"It's him!" he mumbled.

Zhan followed Wang Yibo's back.

He wonders why this handsome person is alone while heading to the forest.

Yibo stopped when he was on the side of a river and its water shining because of the moonlight.

Wang Yibo lay on the ground as he closed his eyes. This is the last night that he'll stay here on this mountain.

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