a female sayian origin

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Bardock looked down at the wriggling tot with a small disgust. The wild mane of hair nearly covered the girls face which was sharply planed as his own with strong bone features and eyes as dark as his own. Her mouth opened wide screaming and crying out. His daughter, Karat, was born.

"A normal power level, and a female no less. And here I thought you were going to be special."

With those words Bardock froze images of a baby shooting through space landing on a fresh green planet. A man old in the face but gentle in the eyes. His daughter wriggling happily and a name whispered on the old mans lips. Rikku.

"What was that?" Bardock held his head and stared over at his daughter. "You, you can see them to cant you? All the visions I've been having. The planet exploding, Friezas ugly mug laughing. Its not a dream they're real."

His stomach rolled as he made a dash for his spaceship. He had to find Tora.

As Bardock left the guards watched in puzzlement at his rush. "Hmm, must be eager to get back in the field." The saiyan soldier glanced down at his clipboard reading off the lists for the baby ejections. "Hmmm, lets see, Yorus son will be sent off to Reddick, Jikans boy will be sent to Gershin, and oh wow we got our first female in awhile. Looks like Bardocks daughter is going to someplace called Ee ar th."

"What kind of a name is that for a planet? The cry of the girl causes the guard to cringe. Hey look kid we dont name them we just send you to them. Lets get you ready to go."

Minutes seemed like hours to Bardock. Dodorias betrayal no Friezas betrayal was too fresh a wound. Toras last words were Friezas scared of you. Youre getting to strong. Bardock would show Frieza just how scared he should be. He was determined to save his planet and his people from suffering the same fate as his team.

The wounds Dodoria had given him stung dramatically. However he didnt have time to worry over them. He had a mission to complete, he had to get to Vegeta before Frieza destroyed it.

Opening his eyes he could see the small red planet glimmering like a gem. His home, so beautiful, so vulnerable. A glint of light jettisoned into his view. Another saiyan pod. Yes, all who could leave should. Get as far from here as possible. As it intersected with his Bardock could feel his daughters presence. With a soft sigh her gripped his fists. This one is for you kid.

The visions still fresh in his mind. The young girl growing up healthy and strong. Her fighting style a vision he had never seen quite before. At least his kin would live on. He knew Radditz to be accompanying Nappa and The Prince Vegeta on a mission across space. Now his daughter would be safe too. All that was left was to protect the planet. Alright Frieza get ready. Here comes a high dose of third class pain!

Bardock stared into the face of evil. Frieza, that slimy ball of disgust floated in space just outside the atmosphere. He couldn't breech but he could send a message.

"You've lived long enough Frieza! Too long for my taste!" Standing tall Bardock gathered every inch of his strength his right hand raising as that energy gathered there. "Listen up. We quit Frieza! We dont work for you anymore!" Sheer anger spewed from his lips and his smirk played across it. "Find someone else to do your dirty work!"

The energy lit in his hand making him laugh. "Oh, and one last thing, this is from all of us! Here Take it!" He threw the energy the beam of light soaring through space aimed right at him.

The terrible tyrant laughed. What a pitiful fool he thought. His own energy ball growing and growing absorbing Bardocks attack. They will finally all die!

Bardock gazed on in shock and horror. No this couldn't be happening! He was supposed to potect his people! The orange red ball shot down through space. Glittering like a sun it swallowed up Bardock and the innocent bystandards floating in the atmosphere. Bardock stared into the ball his eyes going blank as visions clouded him. "I see now."

Pride swam through him like the blood in his veins. The girl would grow different than he did, on a planet far from his own. She would grow strong and beautiful. She would face against the Prince of all Saiyans as an equal. Then one day she would face against Frieza, and she would win. "I wasnt meant to destroy Frieza. You are, you are the savior my daughter."

With a smile Bardock closed his eyes. "Remember my daughter. You are a Saiyan. You are Karat."

His skin burned as the light absorbed his body spending it to ashes. Only one name was on his lips as he died there. KARAT!

~On Earth~

The space pod landed with a boom causing Gohan to jolt in shock. Running from his small house he peered over the mountains to see a wisp of smoke in the distance. "What is that. Oh my."

Sprinting as fast as his old body could handle Gohan ran towards the source meeting with the cry of a baby. What shocked him even more than the infant he found was what she laid in. "A space ship. Oh my, looks like I have a little alien on my hands." Gohan knelt down picking the girl up. The baby opened her eyes the shining black orbs gazing down at Gohan. Well arent you a cute lil thing. "What sort of alien would leave you here all by your lonesome?"

Karat cocked her head then giggled kicking her feet catching Gohan off guard. The kick sent him back and he could feel the bruise already forming on his cheek. "Yeowch my you sure are a strong little thing. A regular stinker aren't you? Lucky for you I dont have much teeth left." Looking around at the beautiful scenery Gohan smiled at the girl. "Hmm I know what to call you. At least until I find your family." Gohan smiled big holding the girl high. "I shall call you Rikku!"

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