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"How long have you known Vanessa?" I asked him

We where currently in the empty chemistry classroom, interviewing nick King about the disappearance of Vanessa Molk..

I was sitting in a desk close to the teachers desk, while he was sitting at the teachers desk

The Sony xt1500 was recording him, as Chris was zooming at his face,enhancing his facial characteristics

thank God he came.. I couldn't have done it without him..

"Vanessa and I met at collage about 4 years ago.. she and Carmen my girlfriend were best friends.. I didn't know her that well but she was a very good girl" he didn't stutter maybe some of it was true or maybe he made it up

"Do you think that she was killed?" I asked, now let's see what you've got

"When Vanessa disappeared, we were all anxious and sad thinking that she was kidnapped, but a few days later she sent us a letter from Paris saying that she left with her boyfriend.. Vanessa if you see this, I hope you are alright!" He said to the camera without any doubt, like everything He said was true, but he avoided my question

"Okay! This is the end! I'll see you around for the film tape!" I said grabbing Chris by the hand and just a few inches away from the door

"What-" i whispered "shhh he will hear you" he put his index finger on my lips, interrupting me

"Sorry" he opened the door and lead me out of the classroom towards the hall

"What do you think? Is he telling the truth?" I asked as we walked to our lockers

"Of course not! 4 years ago, Vanessa was 14 and he was 16, how could they met in collage?"

"What if she skipped some years?"

"That could be it but  he forgot a small detail! Vanessa was lesbian.."

My eyes widened.. he was the killer.. fuck..

"That's why you're the top of your class huh?" I asked "mhm" he nodded proudly

"Maybe, his girlfriend was cheating on him with Vanessa and when he found out he killed her!"

"Nah! Cause if she was cheating on him why are they still together?" He asked

"Right... so Mr Sherlock what are we doing now?" My hand behind my back

"Let's call it a day.." he patted my back and left me alone in the lockers
I wasn't planing on doing anything that afternoon, I was reading a book to take my mind of everything that happened but it didn't seem to help my mind drifted to his words

How effortless he spread those lies, how he faked a worried look about her.. nothing but acting. Such a liar

I shook my head but it didn't help at all, then I realized something. Those cameras! Those cameras have disappeared 2 years ago! Maybe if I did a little bit of search I'll find evidence

I place the book down and grabbed my bag running to the closest electronics center I could find

This store was two squares away from my home meaning that I didn't have to walk a great distance!

I opened their big glass double door and enter the store, searching for the reception

There was a woman sitting there, smoking a cigar and reading a magazine "Hello, my brother broke our camera and I was hoping if you could tell me if the guarantee is still on?"

"What was the cameras model?" She asked tapping on the keyboard "a Sony xt1500"

"What's your name sweetie?" She asked
"My brother actually bought it, Nick king" I lied, she made a face that I didn't like as I knew that she won't let me have access

"Sorry love but he has to be present" she said taking a puff "but I spoke to a woman on the phone and she said that it won't be a problem!"

"Give me a minute" she got up and enter an office to probably talk to someone

That's my chance! I sat on her sheet and looked at the screen

'Camera model' it wrote, I typed 'Sony xt1500'

A lot of names popped up at the screen, no one fitting the name nick King or king... fuck.. fuck.. fuckk...

Now? I scrolled down with the mouse in hope I'll get something but no.. nothing.. all the names were unknown to me

My adrenaline was on fire, she will come and catch me! Quick Penelope! Quick!

I scroll down the mouse once more in hope that I'll get something.. and something unusual came up

'13 Sony xt1500 bought by JSTC University' my university.. my university brought 13 sony's

What the fuck?
I heard  steps meaning that the woman was coming back

I froze in the seat, fuck! Get up get up!

I got up quickly and run back to my place! Fuck.. I have to tell Chris!
A loud bang was heard all over the house, it was probably from the door, but mom dad and Val were shopping, just now!

Realization hit me! He is here! He is here! He took my keys and now he is here!

I run to the bathroom to hide, looking the door on my way.. it's solid metal I don't think he can break it down..

The steps were getting close and closer, the floor twitching at the movement, signaling me that he was close

I couldn't breath, I was scared to death, It was only natural.. my heart beating faster and faster

The door handle started moving.. up and down.. up and down.. he knew I was here.. he knew.. and he was trying to enter

My toes curled, hands covering my mouth..

"Penelope? You here sweetie? It's me mom!" My mother's voice was heard from the door

Phew.. oh my God.. oh my God

"Y-yeah m-mom I'm here.." I stutter.. fuck this case is really fucking me up..

"Hurry up! A boy is here to see you!" She said not hiding her excitement

My eyes pupils grew in hope that Chris was here "Chris is here?"

"No! His name is nick! And I'm telling you Penelope he is a real gift" she whispered

At the sound of his name I was terrified, what does he want now?

I unlocked and opened the door seeing my mother

"Is he your boyfriend?" She sure wanted him to be "no! I interviewed him about a case and he is probably here to give me the film"

"Interview him? But Penelope you focus on violence" her eyebrows raising "Yeah its kind of complicated"

I walked to our living room and found him flirting with my sister Valentina

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