Chapter 4

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Athreya was in a dilemma. Should she accept and fulfill her promise or reject? How will the prince react? Well she can always get to higher position by her own hardwork instead of marrying the prince but rejection is not an option since she will made into an outcast. She had to play her cards carefully.

“No Your Highness, I cannot accept this proposal. While I agree it’s too early to make decisions such as marriage at Nandini’s age but I cannot marry my sister’s Lover. I hope you understand.” Rejection was not an easy Decision but it’s better to be an outcast than be someone who married the man her sister loves. And The prince is not even old enough to be called a Man.

“Alright. I understand why. But I have another proposition.” The king replied a small smile on his lips. Athreya frowned. She expected more. The king continued, “Be his second in command, his guide, his advisor. You are wise, strong and a brave warrior and A great commander, teach my son, be his teacher.” Seems he won’t give up, this was sure a weird proposition for her. But it was much better than the first option. She had no reason bot to accept. “ I have no reason not to accept. But Your Highness Nandini?”

“ Nandini will stay in the Thanjai kovil. Don’t worry about her, I heard what Kundhavai did I assure that will not happen again. That’s it for now, your position will be officially announced after Aditha returns.”

Two days in the palace was so different from the life at Kadambur. Nandini adjusted faster than Athreya. The Warrior was worried about what was to come at her. Her life had been filled with misfortune, Nandini was her safe place and she couldn’t bear to hurt her but she also knew that it was unlikely for Aditha and Nandini to be together. The palace was beautiful, at sunrise and sunset it looked like pure gold. The palace was airy and cool even during midday. Athreya was currently being forced into a saree, she was so used to wearing skirts and dhotis that saree felt weird. Her saree was a beautiful emerald green colour with silver border.

Soon horns were blown signaling the return of The Prince. A huge crowd was assembled near the entrance. Athreya and Nandini, who was wearing a light blue saree, stood a little further from the King and Queen. With the eyesight that made her a famous archer among the Chola army she saw a beautiful white horse, Nila. Aditha’s horse, Athreya was the one who got her into Kadambur palace where the Prince took a liking towards her, her name was Nila meaning the moon.

As The Prince got closer, the arathi was prepared. He got down from Nila and walked up the stairs, the Queen and Princess Kundhavai, who arrived to welcome her brother, took the arathi. The return of the Prince was announced as the people cheered. She dreamed to be in that position one day.

The royal family, the ministers followed by Athreya and Nandini. As far she observed Aditha’s eyes were on Nandini the whole time, she smiled this innocent love was so bittersweet, to know that one day they will be separated. Everyone settled to feast, it was a special occasion as it was The Prince’s first victory. One place remained empty byt everyone was staring at Nandini, confused why a temple girl joined them to feast. As one voiced this before Aditha could defend her The king stood up and called Athreya over. “Nandini is not a simple temple girl, she is the sister of Athreya who is going to be Aditha’s Advisor and teacher.”

Everyone sat in stunned silence. They acknowledge and accept the fact that she is a good warrior, great even but she was just a woman, How can a woman teach the next king of The Chola Empire. There is a reason why she wasn’t sent to war even if she is already 20. One spoke up, “ Your Highness she is just a woman! How can she-”
“How can I? Is that your question My Lord? Why don’t you test it yourself?” Athreya challenged not a random minister but Chinna pazhuvettaraiyar. A great warrior, a rather arrogant one. “How dare you? You no name orphan challenge me? Do you wish for death?” he fumed, he felt humiliated to be challenged by a woman. “If you want to be put in your place then I’ll give you that as I am a generous Lord.” He replied controlling his anger. He drew his sword, his expression that of a rabid animal. A guard offered Athreya a sword “I don’t need one” she refused. “Your arrogance shall be your downfall. How can you teach when you don’t even know that you can’t fight an armed enemy without a swrod”

Athreya smiled and took her stance. The male Struck his sword at her left shoulder which she dodged. The next strike was towards her heart, she leaned backwards to dodge, she made a movement with her right hand and a dagger shot out stabbing the male in the knee. Taking the moment of surprise to her advantage, she jumped, short axe in right hand and a curved dagger in her left. Her legs wrapped around his neck and made him fall. Before he could use his sword, she stabbed his hand causing his to let go of the sword and held the axe to his neck.

This is why.”

Note: sorry for the late update, i was sick the whole week. Thanks for staying ~


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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The Warrior And The King- Ponniyin Selvan Where stories live. Discover now