My Family

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The girl seems busy flipping pages in her book she seems to be reading something....

In a cold rainy day reading is the only thing keeping her company yes very boring isn't it for a boring character .....anyway

Her chores are all finished and it's time to read her favorite book. laying in her fluffy bed and the smell of the pages makes her comfort.

Books field her room with Encyclopedia,Dictionary, book of spells, Magic and her favorite Novels.

Serabi never like reading some of her books "Madam Roxanne" her grandmother gave her, she prefer Discoveries, Magic and Novels over Academics sometimes it bore her.

As the sound of rain pores outside flowers dancing, tiny crystal droplets slides over their leaves untill it drops on the ground over and over. as the cold breeze touch her skin that made her shiver

She covered her self with her blanket like a Caterpillar with its own Cocoon .

the lights of the small lamps in her bedroom it flicker while a small fly bumping the light

As the girl enjoyed her time reading devouring every word and dialogue every sentence in every pages licking her thump to flip another as time passes so quickly ...

Someone knocks in her door twice

My lady dinner's ready Nina an older woman maid said

she got up and open her door

the maid Nina who is in in her
40's a black haired with a bit of grey silver streaks in her hair grey eyes with pale skin with rectangle glasses greeted her

she has served the house
Grimrose in 20 years now...

the Madam wishes for your presence

Nina is it ok if I eat in my room the girl pleaded

No my lady the Madam Roxanne wishes for all of your presence

Oh ...

For Serabi this is strange and confusing to her
the Grandmother the head of the house hold madam Roxanne never called one of his grandchildren for dinner nor Breakfast nor launch they always stayed in their rooms untill their stomach began to growl and called the maids for themselves for food ..unless someone broke some fancy assets or did something to upset or disappoint her

and also the strangest thing is that her Grandmother never called them all together not all at once unless it's very urgent ...

At the dining Hall...

its cold, I clench my fingers and unclench and clench it again untill my nails dig into my palms even though we're inside and theirs a fire place I still felt cold

Nine of us nine children in the house of Grimmrose.

In the long table Me and Eight of my siblings Me the five of us are in the left of the other side table

and in the opposite side are the four...
And in the head of the table

the Madam of the house our Grandmother and our Guardian

Its quite no one speak no one dared.....

Now let me introduce to you my family ....dun~ dun~ dun~

Sylvia the oldest the outgoing She's blonde her hair as the color as wheat her amber eyes she has pale skin like Alice in wonderland
her face is perfect she is Beautiful more beautiful than Cinderella and Snowhite lets just say you can picture her as princess Aurora in Sleeping beauty

Oh and her role from the family is being perfect 24/7 like a disney princess itself she must live to that Sleeping beauty appearance..age 23

the second oldest Jacks this is not the

A fate prince of hearts from Caraval/Once Upon a Broken heart..*wink* *wink*

this is Jacks Grimrose his a gentlemen with redhair with amber eyes

He likes to play instruments violin, piano the triangle the flute age 21

The third Wendell he has black hair also has pink eyes pale he had always had flush on his face

he is a person who likes to drink alcohol alot I mean I lot like a lot lot

he drink none stop I mean you cannot see him without a bottle of wine with him he always looks drunk
Even now Age 20

The fourth Marygold the redhead with amber eyes with also has rosy freckles brown skin not too brown like Filipino kind of brown

She likes gardening she takes care of the pets we kept she's basically the baby sitter of our pets here age 18

Me the fifth Serabi with Dark green hair dark pink eyes pale skin paler than Sylvia's dark has dark bags at the bottom of my eyelids Age 13

The sixth Lucy she has dark purple hair red ruby eyes pale skin has a soft feature

She is the spoiled and the favorite grandchild out of all her grandchildren. Age 12


The seventh and the eighth the twin Juan and Julian both boys they are identical twins they had brown hair green eyes they had similar brown skin

Age 7

And the ninth our sweet sweet sweet Annabell she has red hair green eyes and brown skin and has rosy freckles on her baby cheeks age 6

And finally the last our grandmother
Madame Roxanne Grimrose our Gurdian she has silver white hair red lips silver eyes

She looks young for a grandmother she almost look alot like she is still in her 30's We never ask her age because
Asking a an olderly woman her age is because for a woman it is insulting to ask such question

She also the head of the family business the one who is in charge of everything in the Estate of the Grimrose house hold

She is very strict any disobedient behavior will cause punishment
for a powerful woman like her she has many connections and influences

As our Gurdian and our only parent she has the responsibility to take care of us such as she provide our basic needs...

Education, Food, Clothes and any other things, though you can imagine it is not easy to take care nine children all at once for a single parent...

In the world of High society Every noble children needs to learn how to be a noble

with manners they must learn to behave like one

Aristocrat like fencing, Magic, Music, painting, poetry, literature mannerisms and also history

In our Education she takes it very very seriously

Their's this one time Sylvia when she was 15 years old

I heard this from Wendell not me

at 7 pm she ran away with the her secret lover to see the festival of the city of Norrer ( the city of sorcerer's) so basically their on a date

Yes you may guess what she would react ,you guess it she went ballistic after she discovered that her oldest granddaughter went to a festival in a very far away city without her concent

And then she discovered that she had a relationship with a commoner our buttler the one she went with.

when she came home she was scolded
with a slap....

and then to make up for that she gave her an impossible choire to finish in one day... though it was impossible to finish it in just a day

I don't know what her punishment was but Wendell said it was hard it could take forever to finish it ....


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