Part 2: So we meet again

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"You with the dark curls,
you with the watercolor eyes"

"The movie was so good, wanna come again tomorrow?" Isaac said as he exited the screening room (someone please tell me what it's called) munching on the popcorn as they were too into the movie to even eat

He was about to offer some to his dear friend Oliver who was practically on the verge of tears but sadly the popcorn went flying because of someone bumping into him

The someone mentioned above mumbled to herself "not these guys again" on recognizing them from a few hours ago

Ethan who was on his phone was now looking up as the commotion had caught his attention, he spotted the girl as he shoved his friend aside and approached her with a smile

"Hello, it's nice to see you again, and I'm sorry on my friend's behalf"

"But she's the one who bumped into us" Isaac interrupted, looking at Ethan in disbelief

Ignoring him the same way he ignored his responsibilities so far, Ethan extended his hand for a handshake
"I'm Ethan, and you are?"

"Katie" she said, looking at him with a small smile and hesitated before shaking his hand, because who knows where it's been

He smiled at her with relief as he was so sure she was gonna reject it

"Nice name"
"Yours too"

"if you lovebirds are done talking now, she has to buy me some popcorn" Isaac interrupted them again

"Eat it off the floor" Susan said as she approached them, thinking the guys were bothering her friend

"Susan be nice" Charlotte had now joined them as she threw a bag of popcorn at Isaac

He caught it and shot a salute her way

"Why is he crying?" Emily pointed at Oliver who was now crying his heart out

"He has two big water tankers behind his eyes and needs to open the taps once a while or it'll flood" Lucas deadpanned which made all of them laugh, lightening the mood

Oliver laughing while crying was something which caught a lot of people's attention tho

Ethan turned to Katie "it would be nice if you guys could join us for lunch"

"I'd love that"

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