Chapter VI

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>>> Autumn Rose <<<
We were sitting alone in what I assumed was a room. I couldn't believe this. I was nothing more than a bargaining chip! I wasn't a tool, to be passed around for others to use. I was furious. I was with them. I was tied down to a wooden chair, gagged, and blind. Of course, who could expect more from a band of lying, filthy, cheating -
The cape came off, so I assumed that in front of me stood my captors. I didn't move. I was surrounded by dark, there were no torches or candles where I was. I was sitting alone in the dark, and completely defenseless. I heard them breathing, and one of them moving. The rope around my mouth slackened. I didn't say anything. I didn't know who I was talking to.
"What's your name?" One of them asked. I didn't reply. "Tell us, doll. We do need to know if you're the right one." I still said nothing. The other one spoke up. He was quiet, I couldn't hear all his words.
"... course she's... seen her ... know for sure... with Soren... can't be anyone else!" I wondered who was there. I couldn't recognize the voice, and it was hard to hear too. It had to be someone I knew. But who was it? They were quiet. I heard shuffling footsteps, then I saw a light. One of them held a candle in his hand. They were both wearing black cloaks, just like before. I couldn't see their faces, either of them. I debated for a moment saying something, yelling at them or asking where I was. But really, what would they tell me? They had already asked me a question I didn't answer. What reason did they have to answer a question of mine? I squinted, trying to take in more of the area around me, but it was no use. I couldn't see anything, it was too dark. I heard the sound of metal, a slow and steady clink, clink, clink, clink. It was coming from behind me. I couldn't turn around to see what the sound was. I heard a door open, and someone entered. From the sound of their feet, I gathered it was only one person. He was panting heavily.
"They're coming back," He announced in between pants. "James and Michael were captured. All the rest of us have got some bad scratches. You two got off lucky." The man hissed jealously. I didn't recognize the voice. I didn't recognize any of their voices.
"Is that her?" The man behind me asked. I saw one of the hooded captors in front of me nod "Where is it?" He went on. There was a silence for a brief moment. It felt like is was forever.
"We haven't checked." One of the men in front of me said. I could hear the one behind me ... growling?
"Why not?" He snarled.
"Orders." The other one in front of me replied coolly. The one behind me walked around me and stood next to the other two. Just like the other two, he was hooded. Silence fell again.
I wondered how Soren was fairing. He was probably lying dead on the ground, the village going down in flames. I grimaced about the thought. Once again, my home was destroyed, burning, burning, burning... No! Don't think of that. Not now! I begged my mind not to remember. Not now. Now there was a bigger problem at hand. I had to figure out my escape. I took a deep breath, and thought carefully about my surroundings. Stone room, three people and me. Dark, one torch, a door I guess, and more on the way. I didn't know how many more or who they were or why I was here or what they wanted. All I knew was, I was in danger. I shook my head. You were right Soren, all along. There were dangerous folk in Shepherd's Rest. I suppose I won't be alive to tell the tale. They'll use me for whatever they need and dispose of me. I'm just a chip, anyway. I closed my eyes, fighting back tears. Oh Soren, where are you?

>>> Soren Hawethorne <<<
I was lying on the ground, my arm badly cut. I could smell the wood burning. I stood up, and looked around me at the destruction. Corpses and feathers were on the ground, people screaming, others crying. The feathers stopped falling. My hand went to my pocket. I touched the small dragon, still where I left it. I pulled it out my pocket and held it in my hand. I sprinted into the woods, desperately.
"Scarlet?" I yelled. "Scarlet?" There was no response. "Autumn?" I looked around frantically. I could see the sun on the horizon, coming up over the trees. I fell to my knees, closing my eyes. She's gone. I didn't know if she was in Angel's Peak or somewhere lost in the woods. Either way, I'd lost her. I turned to face the town, buildings still burning. I noticed, suddenly, that some of the buildings weren't burning. A few were random and scattered around the town, but right in front of me, the Tavern, and my Inn, were left untouched. They weren't on fire, and there wasn't a broken window. Not so much as a scratch. I walked up to the Inn, and gently pushed the door open. The inside was left unharmed as well. I ran up the stairs and observed that once again, everything was as I had left it. I slowly went back down the stairs, and out the inn. People were helping each other up, and everyone was walking towards my Inn. Antony walked up to me, and said,
"Soren, we're trying to gather the surviving townsfolk down here. It seems they attacked the entire town except for this end. We're gonna get everyone into your Inn. I hope you don't mind donating a few of your rooms for the cause," He explained. I nodded numbly.
"Yeah, of course." I looked towards all the burning buildings, my stomach churning. The place I once called home, gone overnight. But it would all be fine. Somehow, we would need to rebuild. It would be slow, but with those of us left alive, and the buildings that were still standing, I was sure it would be possible. But that was my last burst of optimism. I shook my head. I knew I would loose her. I looked down at the necklace I held in my hand, and shook my head more, closing my eyes. I won't let go. I won't forget you, Autumn Rose. I felt a tear roll down my face. She was gone. I should've gone with her! What was I thinking? I walked with Antony to try and gather the townsfolk.
"You know, I don't really think it's a coincidence that they ravaged the whole town, except for the Lumbering Bear and the Drunken Hog. A few of the villagers are even speculating you're one of them, Soren." Antony warned. I balled my hands into fists, furiously.
"They should have more sense. I was standing along them all, fighting. I know better than to mingle with their kind of filth." I spat angrily. Antony nodded.
"I know Soren. Come on, now isn't the time, my old friend. Now we must repair and rebuild what remains of our town." Antony replied coolly, patting my shoulder as we walked past burning buildings, and screaming mothers looking over their dead children, or husbands. I slowly opened my hand and looked at the silver dragon, and the chain with it. It's all I've got left of her now. I took the necklace and put it on. I won't forget you, Autumn Rose. Never.

>>> Chase Ashfield <<<
She said nothing. We stood silently in the dark, Charles and Stephen standing on either side of me, watching the girl. Her eyes darted from one of us to the next. It was like she was expecting us all to slit her throat or shoot her. I didn't really blame her, we did capture her, after all. But really, didn't we tell her that we needed her alive? Didn't she know what that meant? I looked at the girl, contemplating my future if we got the wrong girl. Stephen was right. We should've checked for it. What if she didn't have it? What if we got the wrong girl? Danny would have our pelts, mounted on the walls. I figured. But I knew I had to be calm. Wrong girl or not, it's too late now. I told myself, smelling the air. Here they come. I grimaced. Now was when we'd find out - if we live, or if we die.
They all entered silently. The only sign they entered at all was their scent, and the vague outline of them in the dark. She had no idea of her surroundings. How suddenly the room filled, how many creatures were breathing, living, surrounding her, and she didn't know about any of them, any of them but us three.
Torches were lit around the room, illuminating my bretheren. Danny stood next to Stephen. He walked forward, and studied the girl. She studied him too, her gaze unwavering. Around them was a sea of snickering faces. Danny snapped his fingers, and I came forward. Under his breath, Danny muttered
"You sure you got the right girl, Chase?" I nodded. "Did you find the necklace?" I didn't reply or move. "Did you?" My response was barely a response at all.
"No" I breathed. Danny turned over his shoulder to face me for a second, then he turned back to the girl and stepped forward.
"Where is it?" Danny demanded. She didn't reply.
At that moment I admitted to myself how I admired her for her bravery. She tried to fight us, she ran from us, she tried to fight us again, and now, surrounded by enemies, she didn't so much as blink an eye at us. Bravery is one thing I didn't quite expect from her. But if she was too brave, it might just cost this girl her life.
"You've got something of ours, and we want it back." Danny hissed.
"I don't know what you're talking about." She murmured. I heard a few laughs and many others snickering to each other.
"Of course you don't. Because your parents never told you what it was. They wouldn't want to do that to their little baby girl." Danny mocked. But she didn't change at all.
"I'm afraid sir, I can not accommodate your needs. I demand to be released at once." I could hear her tone waver. Her courage was running thin.
"That's the problem, darling. You can't go until we get what we need."
"And what if I don't have what you need?" Danny turned around to the rest of us.
"What happens?" He snickered. "What happens is, you know to much. And we can't just let you go running off with all our secrets, can we?" He whispered to her. "You've already done that once before, we can't let you do it again now." I could see her face change, as she realized who we were.
"You..." I couldn't help but smirk myself, at her new dawn.
"Yes, me..." Danny sneered. He pulled up his sleeve, revealing his mark - the wolf tattoo that we all had on our left arms. She gasped, as she saw.
"Now tell us again, sweetie... Where's our trinket?" Danny repeated. I saw her frown.
"I'd sooner die, than tell filth like you!" She spat at the ground in front of him. Danny looked down, then back at her. He smiled with a false sweetness.
"We might just need to accommodate that."

Falling Feathers Book 1 ~ UNEDITED~Where stories live. Discover now