chapter nine

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Frejia's POV

August, 3rd 2017

,,Hahaha, you're funny.", I laugh about the guy in front of me.

I've drunk a bit more.

,,You're a little needy slut.", and with that he comes closer.

I laugh some more whilst he pinns both my arms against the drywall behind me.

,,I don't want no trouble.", my smile mischievous.

The gross old fuck is about to lick one of my cheeks.

The butterfly in my shoe is useless, but meh I still could try.

I kick him between his legs and he stumbles back, now more pissed he charges at me.

I duck, grab my baby and slice him into his leg, leaving a deep bleading wound.

,,You stupid little bitch, first you break my expensive bottles and now you're fighting against me? I told you to pay.",his breath reeks.

,,And I told you to fuck off and now what, huh?", my eyebrows raised.

I stand infront of the man who can't stop bleeding and play around with my butterfly.

I'm going to kill you, you stupid whore.", he tries once more to grab me but I stab through his hand with my butterfly.

,,Come again?", I spectate him.

He's screaming in pain, he reeks of sweat and alcohol.

I pull my blade out of his hand, kick him to the ground and make my way out of this dead end.

It really wasn't my fault the bottle broke, it just slipped me out of my hands.

For his defense, I did just want to leave but it wasn't even a full bottle, it was barely a shot left. It was off brand Jack Daniel's, okay?

I wipe my hands on my dress and take a look at the time on my phone.

It's 4 am and I have two missed calls from Emma.

,,Where are you two? I wanted to come over but no one is at the apartment.", She bursts out as I call her back.

,,Well, maybe, just maybe ask if you can come over?", I emphasize the words 'maybe' and 'if' to make it clear.

She hangs up.

Ro' is on a business trip for the week and I have finally some freedom.

After the dinner at my parents we had a talk.

He means that 'he as my husband', that he should be my 'leader' and that I have to ask if I want to leave the apartment.

I really don't know what's gotten into his mind, but I don't care. It's not like he's home 24/7 to give a fuck about what I do.

I'm walking slow steps with my headphones im both ears on full volume.

I dont have a drivers license.

The city is empty at this time, but in an hour there will be pure chaos on the streets, people trying to get to work.

There are some junkies, sitting here and there but I don't pay them no mind as I pass them.

I light a cigarette, because I don't remember the last time I smoked today.

probably an hour ago, I think while standing at the traffic light, waiting for it to turn green.

As I make my way over the street a person goes through my toughts.

I haven't seen him in a while, but somehow we always seem to meet.

At the bar, twice. At my parents house and he even came over to Ro's apartment.

I don't know him well enough to judge him but I sure as hell don't like him.

He's so rude and confident in what he says and the way he talks, he's so full of himself.

I wonder what he wanted, when he came into my room, in the middle of the night.

I look at the time and change the song. It's 5 am already.

Some cars pass me, one of them honks.
I really do dress like a slut, though.

I look down onto my dress that molds my body. It's dark blue and stops mid thigh.
My highheels, which I don't wear, no I hold them in my left hand are a matching blue.

Stripping sounds cool, I look up to the neon sign that I was just about to pass.

Without a second thought, I enter the beautiful club.

Vanilla and strawberry in the air, pink leather and lights so dim, you have to concentrate to see the face of the person you're talking to.

Loud, sexy music is playing, but the dancers are sitting at the platforms talking to eachother, because there are no custumers.

,,Hii bitches, Y'all got room for an extra?", I shout over the music and hold both my arms into the air, and my shoes too.

The three woman stop their conversation and greet me  as if I'm already one of the sex workers here.

I think this is going to be fun.

It's 10 am, as I get home and a smile is plastered into my face.
The girls thought me some fun moves and showed me around.

I'm not saying, I'll work there but I think I've found my favorite club.

I enter the shower and soap my whole body.
I just remembered I have to clean my butterfly, it's dirty with dried blood.

I brush my teeth, do a quick skin care routine and decide to clean the blade later.

Roman will be back in a few days, till then I can do whatever I want.

As if I'd listen to what he's saying.

,,I'd like strawberry and vanilla.", I say loud out without even tasting the displayed cakes.

Amelia, my mother and Emma halt in their doings.

We're here to taste the cakes for my wedding. We've got chocolate, coconut and hazelnut.

,,But honey, we've already-", mama starts speaking with a full mouth but I interrupt her.

,,My wedding, my cake.", I look up to the confectioner.

She nicks her head up and down fast  ,,Yes, I'll get to it.", She turns around and back into the kitchen.

My mother eyes lay on me, mad.

,,You wanted one of these and now you change your mind again? This cake has to get baked  to perefection, do you understand?", she talks to me as if I were a child.

,,I do.", I don't even look at her as I get up and grab my bag.

,,You know you're parents are paying for this, right?", Emma stares me down. Jealousy lingers in her face.

,,And? So what?", I blink. I fake innocency.

,,It's fine, sweetheart you're right. It's your wedding.", Amelia speaks up and stands up, fixing her dress.

In the backseat of the car, I smile to myself. A bit of freedom on my weddings day.

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