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I opened my eyes, the light from the sun shining in my eyes, my phone buzzed with a text from Sam.

Sam: I've got your room all set and ready for you. Colby has your favourite drinks and snacks stocked all that's left is for you to come down.

Me: awesome! Thank y'all! Can't believe it's been 8 years already. I've missed y'all.

Sam: you saw us two months ago for your birthday.

Me: and? I still miss y'all.
Sam: ok ok we miss you too lol now hurry up and get dressed. You've got a flight to catch.

Me: yeah in 4 hours. I got time.

Sam: Whatever just get ready!! 😂

Me: alright alright I'm getting ready now!

I laugh at my phone and get up, headed to the bathroom. I washed my face and began to brush my teeth when I got a face time call from Colby. "Hey hey." I say, smiling with a toothbrush in my mouth.

"Hey hey sunshine." Colby says, beginning to laugh at me.

"Let me guess, Sam told you to call to make sure I was up?" I say, after I spit out my tooth paste into the sink.

He shook his head and chuckled. "No no, I wanted to talk to you, before you got here! We've missed you butterfly!" He says, I smile at him as I began to brush out my hair.

"I've missed y'all too, y'all both coming to pick me up from the airport or is it just Sam?" I ask as I pulled my hair up into a ponytail.

"Me and Sam are coming to get you and we're taking you to eat before we bring you back to the house." He explains as he propped his chin up on his hand.

I look back into the mirror as I began to do my makeup, settling on a simple look. "How's ghost hunting been?" I ask, as I apply my mascara.

Colby chuckles and nods. "It's been.. interesting.. to say the least." He says, I hear Sam in the background talking to someone who I couldn't hear.

"I bet it has, Sam said I was going investigating with y'all later on this month, where are we exploring?" I ask, grabbing my phone off the stand and walking into my room.

"Well, there's multiple places we've been deciding on, one is a hospital and the other was an old murder house." Colby's face moved off screen as he silently laughs.

"What?" I ask, raising an eye brow. Colby shook his head and went back to me. "Was it Jake?" I ask.

"No actually, Corey was giving Sam shit about not being able to understand a joke." He told me as he shook his head. "Anyways, you get the final say in where we go, I know you don't like hospitals, so whatever you decide we will settle on." He tells me, which made me smile.

"Well, I say we do the murder house, i have a feeling we would get more activity and responses than at a hospital." I say as I began to go through my closet. "Help me pick what to wear real quick." I say, pulling out two of the new shirts I had bought for this stay.

Colby sat up and put his serious face on. "Let's see them!" He says excitedly. I hold up the first outfit, a pastel pink, off the shoulder blouse. "That's really pretty, it suits your complexion a lot. What's the next one?" I pull out a dark purple top that had a square neckline.

"They're both really pretty and look good on me, I just bought both of them, but I just have trouble picking between the two." I tell him as I hold both shirts up to me in the mirror.

"I love that purple. Wear the purple, wear the purple." He tells me, nodding quickly. I smile and nod, folding the other shirt up and placing it in the suitcase before zipping it up.

"Alright, thanks Colbs. I'm gonna get changed and I'll see y'all later when I reach the air port. Alright?" I say as Colby frowned then nodded.

"See ya soon, Mak!" He says, giving a small wave. I smile and wave goodbye before hanging up the call, beginning to get ready.


"You've got your tooth and hair brush? All your makeup? You've packed all your clothes?" My mom began to ask as we loaded up the trunk of my car.

I laughed and nodded as I loaded the last case in. "Yes mama, I have everything packed, even my favorite blanket and pillow." I tell her as she hugged me.

"Ok, just want to make sure you don't leave anything important. You have your medicines right?" She asked me, making me laugh as I nod my head. "Ok good. Now, be safe, be alert, and call us as soon as you touch down in California." She says, hugging me tighter.

"I will mama, I promise." I say as I pull out of the hug and hug dad. "And I promise to keep Sam in line." I tell him as we both chuckle softly.

"Good. Keep Colby in line too. But most importantly, keep yourself in line, don't get into trouble." He says, hugging me back.

"I won't deddy, I promise." I say, pulling out the hug. "You two keep care of each other and if you ever need me, I have my phone on me constantly." I tell them as I begin to walk to the driver side of the car.

"We will sweetie, you have no worry in that little mind of yours. We love you. Make it there safely." Mama tells me as she shuts the door for me.

"I will mama. I promise." I say, smiling at her.

"I love you butterfly." Deddy says, waving as I begin to drive off.

"Love you too deddy." I shout as I increase my speed, headed towards the air port. I roll my window up and begin to play my music from the Bluetooth, headed to our airport.

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