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Andrew Wiggins POV:

Hi My name is Andrew Wiggins I am the small forward for the Minnesota Timberwolves. You may be wondering how I met Jeff Teague. I met him when I was at the training camp for Minnesota Timberwolves in the summer since I wanted to show him around. Although, there are more things that meets the eye. Jeff Teague becomes in love with me. Let's see what happens next.

Minnesota Timberwolves training camp,

Year Summer 2017
Minneapolis, MN

Andrew Wiggins was playing at the basketball alongside his two best friends Karl Anthony Towns and Taj Gibson while Jimmy Butler is with Marcus Georges-Hunt, Brandon Rush and Jamal Crawford (Dude! I recognized that guy before, he used to be in my team haha.) anyways, he would always have a helping hand for the team even when they didn't make it to the finals. Little did he know, Andrew was going to meet the love of his life who happens to be in the team with him. Marcus Georges-Hunt and his boyfriend Brandon Rush (Marcus and Brandon Ya'll.) were watching him meet the love that would soon come to its surface. Although, he comes to the person that he would be meeting and no, Andrew wasn't talking to the person online, he's meeting someone from the team. However, Marcus Georges-Hunt is pregnant and he knows that he had to attend the training camp. Meanwhile, Andrew meets a person who was joining the team. "You must be Andrew Wiggins, I'm Jeff Teague. Nice to meet you," "Hi I'm Andrew, it's nice to meet you too!"

"So what brings you here?" Jeff asks. "Oh nothing much Jeff," Andrew said shyly. "I've been in the training for Minnesota so I might as well have some other things that I have in mind," "Oh so which means we have in common then," "What do you mean?" Andrew and Jeff were talking to each other during the practice. "Well because I wanted to put a good word to any of our teammates," The two men were having a great talk and they could do things altogether. After the practice ended, Jeff asked Andrew if he wanted to have a hangout sometime.

Jeff Teague: so Andrew I know this might sound weird but I was wondering if you'd like to hangout sometime.

Andrew Wiggins: sure! That can work.

Jeff Teague: great! Maybe we can have a picnic at the park.

Andrew Wiggins: sure.

Jeff Teague: I'll see you later then.

Andrew Wiggins: Yeah!

Jeff smiles at Andrew as they both went on their separate ways. Well they're not a couple yet, but Jeff Teague wanted to get to know them more before he and him would start having a romantic relationship. (Andrew Wiggins and Jeff Teague will be dating on Chapter 3 and 4. However, I don't want them to have kids yet because I have to let them take the time for themselves. Maybe they can go to Disneyland together and have some fun.)

Andrew Wiggins POV:

Damn! I am so excited to have a hangout with Jeff Teague after the practice. Although, I am going to figure out what to wear. Perhaps, I have the jumper that my mother gave me for my birthday. Although, I have to wear flats due to the fact that the heels would be bothering my feet all day. Dad always tells me that I would look like a supermodel haha. Anyways, I'm going back to my own place.

Andrew Wiggins & Jeff Teague: How near is loveWhere stories live. Discover now