Last day of last year.

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I was literally happy to be free of high school at last. Today i had wrapped up the last of my papers and walked out the door in satisfaction.

Tris and Laney were waiting for me outside, both having finished the paper before me. Tris was leaning beside my car while Laney was perched up on the hood.

"How'd it go?" Asked Tris, while Laney grinned at me.
"Good, actually." I smiled at her. Then i frowned, looking at Laney. "Lani, how many times have I told you to not treat my car like a random bitch?"
Laney just cocked her head to the side and stared at me. Tris shook her head.
"What?!" I exclaimed.
"Nothing." Giggled Laney, hopping off my precious baby. " Sometimes you just act like your brother."

I frowned again. "So...?"

Tris just sighed in response. "What Lani means to say is that you look like a girl but behave like a boy sometimes." She said, opening the door to my precious mustang.
"Except she is wrong." She stated plainly. "You are like this always."

"Haha! It's so damn funny that i wet my pants laughing." I said sarcastically.
Tris just rolled her eyes at me and sat inside.
"Sarcasm, Sarcasm." Laney grinned, getting in too.

I sighed for what seemed like the thousandth time that day and got in the car, driving off to Laney's home.

These two had been my friends since i basically stepped into the middle school. Years later, and we were still the same, not letting any fourth person amidst us.

Well, everyone except my idiot brother that is. Heath is four years older than me. Tris and Laney are well known to even my distant family, so Heath taking interest in them wasn't that big a deal for us.

We had started high school after he had graduated. But since we had the biggest house amongst our friends, the party always seemed to be there. We had been really close since our childhood... We never really fought. He was the best brother ever and I loved him to death.

Somewhere along our second year in high school, Tris had transformed from a spectacled shy nerdy girl to an occasionally spectacled sexy school counsil president. I remember the look on Heath's face when he first saw her on July 4th. It was like they almost had their own fireworks going on... Since Tris had a crush on him since we basically hit puberty.

They'd been strong for a year and a half when he suddenly started pulling away from her. He'd broken her heart and since i knew her for so long, I knew he'd done that pretty cruelly. I mean, Tris hadn't spoken a word to anyone for a month- behaving like this ghost... I had to try everything in the book to get her to speak. Finally, when I told her that he wasn't my brother anymore, she'd broken down and made me promise that I wouldn't give up on my brother for her.

I couldn't have even if I tried, of course; i thought to myself as I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel of the dream car Heath had given me while Tris and Laney sang along to a Taylor Swift song. I loved the beats but, let's face it, Maroon 5, The script and Linkin Park were it for me.

We finally pulled into Laney's driveway and exited. There was a graduation party tonight and we had to get ready for it.

Laney's home had become a kind of our go-to-place when my idiot brother screwed up with Tris.
With him living there, Tris rarely visited.
It had almost been a year and a half since their break up and still Tris was uncomfortable by his sight or voice. It was a good thing that i could at least mention him in a few things while talking around her... I could tell she was finally moving on.

We had fun for a few hours and then started to get ready. I was in an off shoulder peach dress, with my flaming red hair curled up into a stylish side-bun. Tris wore a plain sky blue dress with her blond hair straightened. She finally decided to ditch her glasses after a year and a half of her break up and looked refreshing, though she looked beautiful no matter what. Laney completed our trio with a traditional little black dress, and softly curled brown hair.

We took our accessories and after bidding farewaell to Laney's parents, jumped into my mustang.

"I can't believe we're out of it!" Said Laney dramatically. "No more studies!"

Yes, that was right. She hated studying and after finding out that her biological father, the one she lived with was her step father, her father's friend from college. Her parents had gotten divorced on good terms when she was barely one. Her father was a wildlife photographer and her mother let him free when he asked for it. Her step father, Joshua, had helped her mother in rough times and eventually they'd fell in love and gotten married. They had two boys who were ten and twins. Laney had always been fascinated by her father though and shared the same interests and a flair for photography.

She'd talked to all three of her parents in the starting of the year and decided that after graduation, she'd go join her father Max. I think me and Laney were the ones who took the news hard. But we were happy for her and understood. Yes, we'll be sad to not have her around more frequently but we'll always remain the three geyser's.

Hey! Not my words. Our class called us that! Laney, because she's supposedly hot as a geyser; Tris because she provides the soothing comfort of one and me... Me because I had a temper that flared exactly like a geyser. Go figure.

The girls were singing along to some new Selena Gomez song and I realised that i would surely miss them. I pulled into the parking lot of our school.

"Ready to blow their mind, my fellow Geyser's?" Winked Tris.
I laughed my head off at this.

The three of us entered the last dance of our last day of our last year at high school.

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