Weekend bliss

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I shook my head as I saw Tris being completely oblivious to Jonah's flirting. Seriously, while this girl was insanely genius, she could be really dumb sometimes.

But i couldn't blame her I guess. Both of us have only loved once, and after Heath broke her heart, she completely stopped dating.

"It's been almost two years, Tris. You should give others a chance. Not everyone is stupid like my brother." I said and she gave me a sad smile.

"I know.. Trust me Violet; I've been trying. It's just that; I don't know, I think I'm waiting for a closure of some sorts." She said.

"Closure?" I repeated, baffled now. "He dumped you out of the blue. And he didn't even feel sorry for what he did!"

"You know your brother, Violet." She said, her face a complete mask, devoid of any emotions. "I know his love was true. There must be an important reason for his behavior."
"Like robbing you of your virginity." I mumbled.

Tris looked shocked and hurt flickered past her face. I immediately regretted my words.
" I'm sorry; Tris-" I started but she held up a hand for me to shit up.

"You have no right Violet." She said. "If I want, I will love him forever, okay? Our love was true and it doesn't add up to how he suddenly broke my heart. I've been thinking about this a lot and I don't regret loving your brother for a single minute. I don't  interfere between you and Zane. I would greatly appreciate if you could spare me the same treatment."

I stood stunned at that point a long time after she was gone.

Could it be true? Was there some other reason why Heath had left her? I knew he liked her since the start; but the way he acted after their breakup, as if it didn't affect him in any way... I had my doubts now, thanks to Tris.

"Vi?" Asked a voice behind me and I jumped almost a feet up in the air.
"Jesus!" I cried out when I saw Zane. "Trying to give me a heart attack, are you?"

He chuckled and I couldn't move my eyes away from his face. His electric blue eyes sparkled with humour. He was dressed up in his business suit which screamed sexy. This guy did things to my heart that made me wanna kiss him senseless.

"Don't fantasize about me, Vi." He said, stepping close to me. Then he dropped his voice down to a whisper. "You already have me, sweetheart... Anything you want to do with me, just say it."

My face heated up at his innuendo and I took one shaky breath as he trailed one finger up my arm.
"Besides;" he said; leaning down by my ear. "This place is a tad bit public for you to devour me, isn't it princess?"

I blushed hard at this and pushed hard at his chest. He chuckled playfully and held up his hands in surrender as I began glaring at him.

"Sorry!" He said between laughs. "You're just too- too cute when you blush!" He said.

What a jerk.

I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest.
He came forward and placed a kiss on my forehead.
"Come on, I've got a great plan for this weekend." He said looking into my eyes.

"Weekend?" I choked out. Up until now we've been meeting an hour or two since he doesn't have much time and we're trying to keep it under wraps.
He nodded at me. "I missed you, Vi. So I thought now that the business is settled, maybe I do deserve a little time for me... For us."
His gaze was so full of pure love when he said that, his eyes brimming with happiness, that I couldn't help but lean in. He noticed that and lowered his head, making our lips touch.

The kiss never came though. He stayed there; our lips touching and let out a shaky breath.
"We're in a public place, Violet." He said, his voice hoarse. "Trust me I don't want to start this here when I know I'll want to do so much more to you."

My heartbeat became erratic and I shivered. It was strange, though. I was scared of his desire, yet anticipation bubbled inside me to see exactly what he wanted to do to me.

After what seemed like hours, he pulled away and immediately put on his shades; blocking the view of his beautiful eyes from me. He took my hand anyway and led me to his sleeky silver car.

He opened the door for me, and sitting behind the wheel; pulled out of the driveway.

"Where are we going?" I asked, nervously fidgeting with the hem of my shirt.
"You'll see." He said shortly.
I flinched at his tone and looked out of the window to hide the hurt on my face.

A few minutes later, I heard him sigh. I looked up at him quizzically and saw that he had removed the sunglasses and was pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Zane?" I called out tentatively. My hand automatically reached out to comfort him but I held back.
"I'm sorry." He said finally. " I don't know what I was thinking. It's just that I've waited so long for you and now that I finally have you, I guess that I don't want to wait. But in all of that I forgot that you are new to all this. I'm sorry, Vi. I won't do this again."

"Zane! Of course that's not it. I mean, I understand that you want to go ahead and trust me I have waited all this time for you too... I love you Zane. You don't have to apologize for this!"

He took my hand between his large rough ones and caressed it.
"Thanks for understanding baby. Don't worry, I'll keep my distance."

With that, he leaned forward and gave me a chaste kiss on lips.

His beach house was our destination. It was huge and all white, with beach in the front and forest in the backyard. Zane gave me a tour of the house, and it made me feel as if it was our house instead of his.
We had a quiet dinner with pleasant talk. Zane told me he'd always wanted a dog but couldn't keep one due to his busy schedule. I told him that my cat ran away when Heath threw one of his iconic University parties...

We were sitting on the couch, sipping wine and watching The last song movie. Actually, I was sipping wine while he had scotch. It'd surprised me a little; since the Zane I knew never drank but; what the hell; the Violet he knew didn't swear either...

When the lead characters kissed in the movie, Zane looked at me with a heated gaze and never looked away.
He moved closer and we began kissing. It started as a sweet kiss but grew urgent and Zane's hands travelled inside my shirt. He pulled my feet down such that I was lying on the couch and he was on top of me. When his hands reached my chest, I let out an involuntary gasp; with which his tongue entered my mouth.

It was getting heated and my brain was screaming at me about how it was too soon but the major part of my body didn't want him to stop.
Our shirts were gone and Zane pulled off my jeans easily.

"You're beautiful." He said, kissing me softly yet passionately.
"So are you, Zane." I whispered, running my hands down his torso.

He sucked on a soft spot I didn't know I had near my collarbone. I moaned. But before I could even register my embarrassing sounds, he let out a growl and attacked my lips ferociously.

Call it the alcohol or just blind love, but I didn't stop him when he picked me up bridal style and dropped me on the bed, before ditching his pants. I didn't complain when he got me naked in front of his heated lustful gaze.

In fact, I readily accomodated him inside me, and held him in my arms as we slept; all exhausted after he relieved me of my virgin stigma.

He was the man I always loved. And I was lucky to have him.

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