Chapter 3

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After that slap I feel that the rings of your right hand even cut my cheek, how am I going to live with a person like that? That hits me? Not accept that.

-How did you have the courage to slap me? I say this with tears in my eyes

"I did this for you to learn to respect me. You are mine and then I do what I understand about you. "

Those words were like stabs in my breasts, he will always use it against me.

It will be impossible to love someone like that, it will be difficult to have respect for him. I will never have the opportunity to be happy in my life, to marry the one I really love. Now I'm stuck with a person without a soul, and without a heart like this pale figure in front of me.

"Come with me, girl." says himself pulling me out of the library and dragging me, we stop in front of a wooden door, until he pulls out of the pocket of his black suit, a key that gives access to the lock.

-Where did you take me? I ask him waiting for an answer and I look at him with curiosity and indignation. "This will be our house, it was ready quickly because my family's domestic Elves built it. I decided to bring you here for you to get used to your new home"

He says with a face without any expression, I watch the house carefully and enter one of the rooms that will be our room, whether or not I will also be forced to sleep with him, I observe the details very carefully and all the time he is together. With that coma and closed face.

Despite everything I found the house very beautiful and very luxurious, it already had furniture and every detail was sensational and extraordinary beautiful, I never imagined myself with a house of this level, I don't need to worry about furniture.

I look back and the blonde kept looking at me with a naughty face, he comes close to me and says

"You will still be mine, whether you like it or not." and after saying that he changes his face to an expression of malice. He handed me my key and just left with his hands in his pockets leaving me planted in the middle of the house, I also leave there locking the door and walking on the grass in the yard.

The house was not far from the castle, just a little enough. I go inside the big castle and I don't see anyone in the corridors, so I go to my room and when I open the door I come face to face with Pansy sitting on her bed staring at me.

And then she releases "I heard that you and Draco are getting married in a few days, know that you are making a big mistake" she says with a threatening tone

-Why am I making a mistake? Are you afraid of losing him to me?

I let out a cynical smile and I see anger appear in his eyes.

" Well, newbie. We'll see who he'll fall in love with first."

We shook hands and let out a cynical smile too, after that she leaves and I go to the bathroom to take a shower, because it was almost time for dinner.

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