Chapter 25 - Blake Bellingham

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             The 'some time' that Dumbledore had said would pass turned out to be the better part of a year. During that time Elizabeth decided to continue her studies and spent her days with a crotchety old mediwitch named Fernanda Casey. Ms. Casey acted as a personal tutor to her, leading her through scenarios Elizabeth would likely face as a healer at St. Mungo's or any other magical hospital. It was grueling work, but although Elizabeth staggered back up to her room every night, she had never felt so fulfilled in her work. The months passed and her proficiency grew, until one day Ms Casey brought her into the hospital proper. As her first job in the hospital, Elizabeth helped to stir potions, air out beds, and administer tonics to recovering patients. Weeks more passed, then months, and Elizabeth learned more and more, growing more confident with each passing day. She passed examinations and became a junior healer; two years of 'some time' flew by. Elizabeth was 19 now and her life was still shrouded by the plan of the Underground movement. There had been one meeting since, which she had not attended, where Dumbledore announced that the group had already been discovered and possibly infiltrated by the Hallowed, and for safety, would disband until further notice. Since then, Dumbledore had sent private messages to each member by owl, updating the plan already set in motion. The majority of it remained unchanged, the only major differences in the plan dealt with the wrangling of the beasts, and her mission was unaffected. That was two months ago, and all members of her strike group had met to go over the plan again and set the departure date for the twelfth of May that year.

             It was now March 27, and time was ticking down. Elizabeth had been slowly packing everything she might need into her father's suitcase for weeks, and working the rest of the time. But today was a Saturday, and she was off work. Sighing, she opened up her window and let the wet breeze blow into her still-drowsy face. She closed her eyes for a moment and when she opened them again, an owl was perched on the sill and looking straight back at her, a letter clenched in its beak. Elizabeth reached out and took it. The letter was from Thomas.

             Dear Elizabeth,

             I know I've been rather distant lately, and I know that you've noticed. I'm not blind, and I'm glad to know that you aren't either. Unlike some people I could mention. I hear that you are a part of the Russian Strike Team. Congratulations on that. I'm on the Brazilian Strike Team with Claire, and we both wish you luck and safety.

             Regarding my distance, I'm sure you noticed that I've been, let's say, jealous of William lately. I'm sorry that this jealousy has driven me further from the family and from you, but there is a good reason. See, Claire and I wish to be married, but Mother has denied us again and again on account that Claire's family is of German descent. She is worried that, I don't even know, that Claire is a Nazi or some hogwash like that. It's absurd, I know, so I've removed myself from her presence for a while. We are... not on good terms.

              Despite all that, Claire and I still wish for her blessing before we marry. Far fetched as it is, I believe that Mother will change her mind. Father is on our side, but you know Mother.

              Lastly, Claire and I have begun to tentatively plan our wedding, tentatively both because of our dangerous mission with the Underground, and because of Mother. Anyway, we would like you to be the maid of honour. Claire says that there really isn't anyone on her side of the family that she would prefer over you, and the only other person on our side is Sam, and she's still a bit young. Please do send your reply back with the owl, he'll know where to find us.

              Please let Mother and the others know that I'm well and that I miss them.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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