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Wonder Tweek saving the day again... How annoying. People can't imagine how much I hate him, look at him. He's a weakling, but how does he get there before me?! Damn you Wonder Tweek. I'll surpass you one day.

"SUPER CRAIG!?" He yelled my name in a kinda worry some voice. "LOOK OUT!?" I turn around, someone was about to hit my head with a metal rod.

I dodge and hit his stomach. I heard footsteps stop one or two feet behind me. I didn't care since I can guess who it was. I grab the mans arm tightly, making him let go of the metal rod. He threw a punch with his free hand. I let go of the other hand to dodge, the man took some accidental steps forward to where Wonder Tweek was and ended up punching him.

"Ouch, must of hurt." I let out a satisfied giggle. Wonder Tweek pushed him towards me, making me fall.

"MUST OF HURT." He said kind of angry as he rolled his eyes. I decided to ignore him and finish this guy. Man was he FAT. I don't judge, unless it's fat people I do t like. Like Cartman.

"Anyways, Wonder Tweek, what's the situation?" I asked him, tying the fat guy.

"OH MY GOD!! THE FIRE!!!!!??!" He said very very worried. "YOU DISTRACTED ME!?!" He went running to a door where smoke was coming out from.

"Well, damn. Those people must be already dead." I said to myself. The police arrived kinda late, I gave them the guy and this sexy police officer came to me.

"Excuse me Super Craig, may I have your autograph? I'm a really big fan!" She blushed a little. I grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"I'm sorry, I have to go." Yes, I was late for class. I ran out to an alley and change my clothes. University wasn't far away. Thank God.

I arrived at class about half way through the lesson. "Mr. Tucker, late again?" He looked mad. I sat at my table and flick him off. "If you keep coming in late, you will get a red mark on your file." He crossed his arms.

"What is this? Kinder garden?" I frown my eyebrows. That's when this kid enter class, Tweek Tweak.

"GAH! I'M SORRY I'M LATE, THERE WAS A PEDO DKSBSKANNA" I literally couldn't understand what ever he said.

"Okay, okay! Mr. Tweak, sit down. Let's continue class." He turned around to continue something about metamorphosis. Couldn't understand shit.

I arrived late to class again, thank goodness I'm in the teachers good side. My classmate, Craig Tucker isn't that lucky. I pity him. But man can he fight back. To think he doesn't even notice I'm Wonder Tweek but I know he's Super Craig. That's a funny situation. Everyone is dumb, how come they can't see that? They can't see who am I? It's funny but so frustrating!! Gah!!

"Hey man, can I sit besides you? There's not much space around the cafeteria." Speaking of the devil.

"N..no probs." I speak lowly, wow, I'm surprised.

"You can talk normally? I'm surprised." He placed his tray next to mine and sat. "I don't think we've ever talk, have we?" He took the burger in his hands.

"No." Yes we have. We actually talk very often.

"Oh." He just said and started eating. Man, this is kinda awkward.

568 words.

How they fell in love /Super Craig & Wonder Tweek Where stories live. Discover now