Please read!

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So. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'm going insane. As you can tell.

König and Ghost are two of my favorite characters in COD, and even though it's an unorthodox ship, I actually love it.

That being said, THIS IS NOT A FRIENDLY BOOK!!!!! There WILL be content such as: slavery, abuse (physical, mental, emotional, sexual), social anxiety, gore, blood, mental health issues, rape, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, self harm, nervous/self destructive activities, smut, panic attacks, death, torture, disassociation, sensory deprivation, isolation, characters getting restrained, treated like animals (caged, chained up, muzzled, whipped, beaten etc.), LOTS of trauma (sexual, physical, mental), a sort of alternate universe, power dynamics (only bad) betrayal, experimentation, assault, and molestation.

I feel like I'm reading the side effects for fucking meds. Holy shit.

Suffice to say, this will not be pretty. A lot of scenes will be a SLOW crawl to the finish. If it gets bad, then ya know. . . This book is gonna be heavy on the angst and pain in the first part, but slowly once König and Ghost's relationship starts to develop and the taskforce sees him as a person instead of an object (although they all hate the idea that someone is treated les than) and treat him like family, then that is where more happy parts will come in.

Another thing, König's name in this will be Klaus so that way I am not constantly writing 'König.' And to make the moments sweeter when the 141 starts referring him as that.

The last thing I will say is that there in a varying degree to which a slave or "contracted body" as some of these bitchy mofo's will refer to him as, can be treated. There is a sort of ranking system and ways for these people to be ranked. Color means type of punishment. Number means the lowest allowed to partake or deal with the punishment.

Color coding/level of punishment:

Green: Light punishment, easy to handle/control e.g. slap on the wrist, scolding. Mostly no need for punishment

Purple: Somewhat heavier punishment e.g. smack somewhere on the head, face, torso, light use of an item (belt, switch, etc.)

Yellow: dangerous area. Heavier punishments such as punches, kicks, beatings

Blue: Isolation/sensory deprivation

Red: Just straight torture no need to explain with fancy words. Sergeants and above take part in the actual deed, however anyone can watch.

Black: Highest punishment (Anyone Lieutenant and higher can decide the punishment) They can choose who does it, what is used, for how long, and the type of punishment being dished out. Usually reserved on hardcore criminals placed into the "program" however this doesn't stop anyone from absolutely wrecking the slave. Mainly used in Military settings however can be used in civilian settings for labor.

With each color comes a number ranging 1-10. 1 meaning that really anyone the slave serves can partake in the punishment (unless prior stated) 10 means high ranking members can take in the act (unless stated prior) Colonel and above as well as the main handler can do the deeds.

Threat level is stated next to the person's name, and is in 5 levels. 1 is the lowest and deemed harmless. 5 is the highest and everyone working with a level 5 has the clearance to shoot on sight if absolutely necessary.

This should be about it. Thanks you for reading all the way to the end I really appreciate it. Peace!

   - Reaper

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